Elaine Nagahara (2022 cohort) Received NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Elaine Nagahara (2022 cohort) was celebrated at Johns Hopkins for receiving the NSF GRFP https://hub.jhu.edu/2023/04/25/2023-nsf-graduate-research-fellowships/
and also by the school she is attending starting Fall 2023, Columbia University https://www.bme.columbia.edu/outstanding-bme-students-honored-2023
Karl Ensberg (2022 cohort) Wins 2023 Distinguished Scholar Award
Karl Ensberg – 2022 cohort. Won 2023 Distinguished Scholar Award at UC Davis
Elise Tahti (2023 cohort) Wins Barry Goldwater Scholarship
Elise Tahti (2023) Showcased as winner of Barry Goldwater scholarship and shares her plan to be an Amgen Scholar at UCLA. https://news.wwu.edu/biochemistry-major-elise-tahti-is-westerns-newest-goldwater-scholar
Marcus Moline (2023 cohort) UCSD MADURA Program Fellow
Marcos Moline (2023): Showcased at UCSD as a MADURA (Mentorship for Advancing Diversity in Undergraduate Research on Aging) Program Fellow https://maduraprogram.ucsd.edu/about/current-mentees.html
Truman Natividad (2023) UCSC Simpson Fellow
Truman Natividad (2023) cohort: Showcased at UCSC as a Simpson Fellow https://access.ucsc.edu/current-simpson-fellows
Saha Wu (2018 Cohort) Leads FAST, Local Outreach Program
Learn about FAST (Future Advancers of Science and Technology) an outreach program to local schools lead by Saha Wu (2018 cohort), a Psychology graduate student at Stanford University. https://fast.stanford.edu/about/
Katherine Morillo (2017 cohort) Wins the 2022 HHMI Gilliam Fellowship
Congratulations to 2017 Scholar, Katherine Morillo, for winning the 2022 HHMI Gilliam Fellowship.
Dr. Bryan Goldsmith (2009 cohort) Shares His Experiences in Science
Dr. Bryan Goldsmith, Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan and UCLA 2009 cohort member, shares his experiences about belonging in science:
Dr. Goldsmith is also leading a new project to improve fertilizer production and reduce CO2 emissions. Read a new article about this exciting project here: https://news.engin.umich.edu/2023/06/1-3m-to-improve-urea-fertilizer-production-and-reduce-co2-emissions/
Dr. Heather Derry-Vick (2009 cohort) joined the Center for Discovery and Innovation
Dr. Heather Derry-Vick joined the Center for Discovery and Innovation as a Research Faculty at Hackensack Meridian Health. Dr. Derry-Vick’s laboratory examines how stress and depression interact with health conditions such as cancer. See her lab site here: https://hmh-cdi.org/en/Research/Faculty/Heather-Derry-Vick
Dr. Ni Feng (2007 cohort) Becomes Assistant Professor at Wesleyan University
Our newest faculty member from the 2007 cohort! As of January 2023, Dr. Ni Feng is a new Assistant Professor of Biology at Wesleyan University studying the neurobiology, behavior and physiology of hibernation. Visit her lab site at: https://fengni.weebly.com
Karli Holman (2016 cohort) wrote about empowering women in chemistry
Karli Holman write a piece on Wiley Online Library about empowering woman in organic chemistry!
Melissa Bu (2021 cohort) wrote an op-ed about mindful connections
Melissa Bu write an article on the Daily Bruin about mindful connections.