The Transfer Research Entry Program supports incoming transfer students interested in exploring undergraduate research opportunities. The goals of the program are to (1) provide mentoring and essential academic survival skills for transfer students (2) educate transfer students about undergraduate research opportunities and career paths in research and (3) assist transfer students with identifying research opportunities.

Program participants will be offered a one-week virtual intensive entry to research bootcamp. In this bootcamp, transfer students will:

  • Develop critical academic survival skills to successfully transition to UCLA
  • Learn about undergraduate research opportunities
  • Participate in activities and discussions to identify areas of research interest
  • Create a cover letter and curriculum vitae
  • Learn how to apply to and interview for research positions
  • Identify and apply to a research position
  • Explore careers and learn about transferable research skills
  • Determine if research is a career path of interest
  • Network and connect with other incoming transfer students

Bootcamp Dates: September 16 – 20, 2024


  • $300 stipend upon completion of the one-week intensive entry to research bootcamp
  • Scholarships are awarded through the UCLA Financial Aid Office (if you are receiving financial aid, your package may be adjusted to ensure you do not exceed your financial need)


To participate in the Transfer Research Entry Program, students must have a financial aid eligibility need of $6000 or more and also meet the following criteria:

  • Incoming transfer student
  • Have at least two years remaining at UCLA
  • Interested in undergraduate research
  • Considering a career path in research


  • Work on faculty-led or student-initiated research projects.
  • Present research at UCLA’s Undergraduate Research and Creativity Showcase during UCLA’s Undergraduate Research Week.
  • Apply to research scholarship programs through the Undergraduate Research Centers or other campus scholarship programs.


  • Opens: May 11, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. PST
  • Closes: July 31, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. PST

