Cindy Avila
Home University: Albion College
Class: senior
Major: Biochemistry
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jose Rodriguez

Cindy Avila is an incoming senior at Albion College studying Biochemistry. This summer
She is conducting research at Dr. Jose Rodriguez’s lab where she will be
comparing the functionality of PCMTD1 and PCMTD2 enhancing our
understanding of their roles in protein maintenance and ubiquitylation.

Her research focuses on characterizing PCMTD2, a homolog of the well-studied
enzyme PCMTD1, to determine its role in repairing isoaspartyl damaged
proteins as well as its possible role as an E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. she is
looking forward to expanding her laboratory skillset as a student and a
professional, aiming for a career as an MD/PhD.

Caroline Ceravolo
Home University: Western Washington University
Class: senior
Major: Biochemistry
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Ajit Divakaruni

Caroline Ceravolo is in her senior year at Western Washington University (WWU) in Bellingham, Washington. At WWU, she researches SH3 and PDZ protein domains and their binding interactions in Dr. Jeanine Amacher’s research lab.

As an Amgen Scholar at UCLA, Caroline is working in Dr. Ajit Divakaruni’s lab in the Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology. For the summer she is researching the metabolism of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). The RPE is a monolayer of pigmented cells located between the retina and the choroid. It plays many critical roles in eye health, including phagocytosis of photoreceptor outer segments (POSs). POSs are located within photoreceptor cells, found in the outermost layer of the retina. To maintain the health and functionality of the photoreceptor cells, these segments undergo a constant renewal, with discs grown near to the base while distal POSs are phagocytosed by adjacent RPE cells in a process called outer segment phagocytosis (OSP). The RPE utilizes alternative substrates for its own metabolism, sparing glucose for the metabolism needs of photoreceptor cells. One of the hypothesized forms of alternative substrates are the POSs themselves. To determine if metabolites in the POSs are being used by the RPE, Caroline is using carbon tracing experiments.

Caroline would like to thank Dr. Jeanine Amacher for her encouragement to go for this opportunity, Dr. Ajit Divakaruni and the entire Divakaruni Lab for their incredible mentorship and support, and the Amgen Foundation for giving her the opportunity to continue to grow as a scientist.

Camryn Crotty
Home University: University of Massachusetts Amherst
Class: senior
Major: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. David Nathanson

Camryn is a rising senior at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, majoring in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. At UMass, Camryn is an undergraduate researcher in Dr. Jennifer Rauch’s lab, which studies the molecular mechanisms that regulate the spread and aggregation of the protein tau and its association with neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.

As an Amgen Scholar at UCLA, Camryn works in Dr. David Nathanson’s lab to investigate the molecular biology of malignant brain tumors, specifically glioblastoma, the most lethal type of glioma. Understanding the functional biology and the altered cellular functional processes of glioma cells is essential in discovering therapeutics for this disease. Camryn’s project focuses on two novel drugs and how they modulate lipid-mediated cell death of gliomaspheres. She is investigating different neuronally derived glioma cell lines and culturing them in serum and serum-free conditions to explore how differentiation of stem-like glioma cells and their microenvironment affects their sensitivity to these two drugs. This includes monitoring the status of stem-like and differential gene markers in these two cell lines over the course of their differentiation, and quantifying cell sensitivity to the drugs through cell death assays.

Camryn would like to thank Dr. Nathanson, Jenny Salinas, the Nathanson lab, and the Amgen Foundation for their support during this incredible opportunity to further foster a love and a passion for science.

Emily Friedman
Home University: St. Mary's College of Maryland
Class: junior
Major: Biology and Biochemistry
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Luis De La Torre Ubieta

Emily is a rising senior at St. Mary’s College of Maryland majoring in biology and biochemistry. At St. Mary’s she works in the Emerson lab, where she uses computational methods to research how the environment influences developmental and physiological processes of the genome.

As a UCLA Amgen Scholar, Emily is conducting research in the Luis de la Torre-Ubieta (LTU) lab in the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences. The LTU lab uses single-cell multiomics to study the genetic processes of the developing human neocortex. Down Syndrome (DS) presents with cognitive deficits, reduced brain weight, and neural hypocellularity. It is hypothesized that this pathology is conferred by the increased dosage of gene regulators encoded on chromosome 21, causing global gene dysregulation. For her project, Emily will be analyzing single-cell gene expression and chromatin accessibility of DS-derived neural progenitor cells (phNPCs) to identify the effects of T21 on cell type-specific gene expression and regulation in phNPCs. This in vitro single-cell resolution map will provide insight to be used in the development of therapeutics for DS.

Emily would like to thank the Amgen Foundation, Dr. Luis de la Torre-Ubieta, Alexis Weber, and the entire LTU Lab for their support and guidance in her scientific endeavors.

Emily Grunert
Home University: Western Washington University
Class: senior
Major: Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Hanna Mikkola

Emily is a rising senior at Western Washington University majoring in Biology. At WWU, Emily works in the lab of Dr. Nick Galati studying cell signaling mechanisms of mammalian primary cilia. She utilizes immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy to capture fluorescent images of human and mouse cells to develop an understanding of cell signaling relative to cellular geometry.

As an Amgen Scholar at UCLA, Emily is investigating human embryonic stem cell development in the lab of Dr. Hanna Mikkola. The goals of the Mikkola lab include illuminating the fetal microenvironments where progenitor stem cells differentiate into mature blood cells essential for cardiovascular homeostasis. By studying the niches where hematopoietic stem cells proliferate and differentiate, we are able to understand more about the conditions which give rise to blood system pathologies such as leukemias, and use this to develop better therapeutics for treatment of these disorders. Emily’s work this summer includes describing the physiological differences which give rise to hematopoietic stem cell development in addition to identifying cell subtypes and signaling pathways which are important for hematopoiesis.

Emily would like to thank Dr. Hanna Mikkola and Dr. Yue Wang for their mentorship, and the entire Mikkola Lab for being so supportive, kind, and helpful. She also would like to say thank you to her family for always encouraging her to pursue her dreams. Lastly, Emily would like to thank UCLA and the Amgen Foundation for giving her this opportunity to explore and grow as a scientist and have an unforgettable summer.

Gabe Jones-Thomson
Home University: Haverford College
Class: senior
Major: Chemistry
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Abigail Doyle

Gabe is a rising senior at Haverford College majoring in Chemistry and minoring in Physics. He aspires to create breakthrough tools for organic synthesis, increasing the accessibility of bioactive molecules relevant to developing new drugs, agrochemicals, and materials. At Haverford, he works in the Malachowski lab at near-by Bryn Mawr College, where his research is focused on the development of novel enantioselective cyclizations for the synthesis of interesting heterocycles with quaternary centers.

As an Amgen Scholar at UCLA, Gabe is researching metallaphotoredox catalysis in the Doyle lab. The Doyle lab seeks to advance chemical synthesis and catalysis by drawing upon photocatalysis, Nickel chemistry, and machine learning and data science. As he looks towards graduate school, Gabe is highly interested in the development of synthesis methods that leverage photochemical and electrochemical redox reactions, and to achieve such transformations enantioselectively, often through pairing with organocatalysis or transition metal catalysis. As a result, he is thrilled to be in the Doyle lab for the summer.
Gabe would like to thank his postdoc mentor in the Doyle lab, Dr. Rajat Maji, all members of the Doyle lab, and the Amgen Foundation for funding this incredible opportunity

Angela Liang
Home University: UCLA
Class: senior
Major: Physiological Science
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Elaine Hsiao

Angela is a rising senior majoring in Physiological Science at UCLA. She has conducted
research at the Hsiao Lab at UCLA since her sophomore year. At the Hsiao Lab, Angela studies the effects of the ketogenic diet on Autism Spectrum Disorder using mouse models.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an idiopathic neurodevelopmental disorder largely
characterized by behavioral symptoms, including deficits in social communication and
interaction and the presence of repetitive behaviors. While there is currently no curative
treatment for ASD, recent studies have shown that the ketogenic diet (KD) is promising in
alleviating the behavioral symptoms of ASD. However, the exact mechanisms are not well
characterized. Working with her postdoctoral mentor Dr. Gulistan Agirman, Angela aims to
uncover the mechanisms underlying KD improvement of ASD core behavioral symptoms.
Angela’s project with the UCLA Amgen Scholars Program seeks to better characterize the
effects of KD on different mouse models of ASD and to better understand the specific cell types that could potentially be involved in the mechanism by which KD improves ASD behavioral symptoms.

Angela would like to thank Dr. Gulistan Agirman, Michael Quicho, and Dr. Elaine Hsiao for
their exceptional mentorship, guidance, and encouragement. She would also like to thank the members of the Hsiao Lab for their support. Last but not least, she would like to thank the Amgen Foundation for this wonderful opportunity and Dr. Tama Hasson, Dr. Beth Lazazzera, and Kimberly Mendez for their guidance this summer.

Neha Ramesh
Home University: UC Davis
Class: senior
Major: Cell Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Timothy O' Sullivan

Neha is a rising senior at UC Davis majoring in Cell Biology. There she conducts research in Dr. Changil Hwang’s lab in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, studying the epigenetic regulation of pancreatic cancer metastasis. As part of the Amgen Scholars Program at UCLA, Neha works in Dr. Timothy O’Sullivan’s lab, which studies the innate immune system in the context of various diseases. Neha’s project is focused on natural killer (NK cells) and their role in tumor cell killing. NK cells are cytotoxic innate lymphocytes that play an important role in defense against viral infections and tumor
metastasis. Tumor cells have developed a number of evasive mechanisms to avoid immune cell killing, and one example of this is overexpression of HLA class I molecule (HLA-E), which binds to the NKG2A receptor on NK cells to inhibit NK cell proliferation. However, during human cytomegalovirus infection there is an expansion of NK cells expressing the activating NKG2C receptor complex, which also binds to HLA-E. Neha aims to study how overexpression of this activating receptor complex could provide a method of enhancing tumor cell killing by NK cells and ultimately provide insight into how NK cells can be more effectively utilized in cancer therapeutics. Neha would like to thank the O’Sullivan Lab, especially Dr. Timothy O’Sullivan and her graduate student mentor Joey Li, for their mentorship and support throughout the summer, as well as the Amgen Foundation for providing her with this opportunity to further her skills as a researcher.

Ashlyn Sloane
Home University: UCLA
Class: senior
Major: Neuroscience
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Michael F Wells

Ashlyn Sloane is a rising senior at UCLA majoring in Neuroscience. She joined the Wells Lab in the summer of 2023, where she studies mTOR signaling defects and the potential rescue of cellular phenotypes by rapamycin of Jordan’s syndrome patient cell lines.

Jordan’s syndrome (JS) is caused by a mutation in the gene PPP2R5D, which potentially causes an upregulation of the mTOR pathway that is responsible for cell proliferation and growth. JS is characterized by Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), macrocephaly, and hypotonia. Rapamycin is an antibiotic that is a known modulator of the mTOR pathway. During the school year, Ashlyn studied the gene expression changes with rapamycin treatment in control neural progenitor cells (NPCs). As an Amgen Scholar, Ashlyn will continue her work to identify a dose-dependent effect on the protein expression and phosphorylation of rapamycin on two proteins downstream of the mTOR Complex. Her goal is to determine the ideal duration and concentration of rapamycin treatment for future use in JS NPCs. She will then identify any quantifiable differences between control and JS NPC cell lines in baseline protein expression and phosphorylation of her two proteins of interest. Through this summer research, Ashlyn will apply rapamycin to JS NPCs in the fall to potentially rescue the cellular phenotypes of JS patient lines.

Ashlyn would like to thank her graduate student mentor, Laila Sathe, and her PI, Dr. Michael Wells, for their invaluable mentorship, kindness, and support, as well as the Amgen Foundation for this incredible opportunity!

Cooper Stringer
Home University: Northwestern University
Class: junior
Major: Biological Sciences
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Andrew Goldstein

At Northwestern, Cooper is a rising junior majoring in Biological Sciences, with a concentration in Cell and Developmental Biology. Since the summer of 2023, he has been studying the epigenetic regulation of progenitor skin cell differentiation in Professor Xiaomin Bao’s lab. He has worked on projects relating to the cell-state specific interactions of chromatin remodeling complexes, and the roles of ligand-activated transcription factors in xenobiotic metabolism and differentiation. 

At UCLA, Cooper is working in the Goldstein lab, which investigates stem cells, metabolism, and cancer initiation in the prostate. This summer, he is studying how germline variations of the HOXB13 gene reprogram lipid metabolism in prostate cancer. Some ancestry-specific variants of certain genes, like the transcription factor HOXB13, have been linked to an increased risk of earlier and more aggressive prostate cancer. Using techniques like western blots, drug treatments, and metabolite tracing, Cooper seeks to uncover how these variant cancer cells build or utilize lipids differently than their wildtype counterparts. He hopes this project will help reveal how more aggressive cancer phenotypes reprogram cells’ metabolism, and inform more targeted, ancestry-specific therapeutic options for advanced prostate cancer in the future

Cooper would like to thank Shirley Zhang, Dr. Andrew Goldstein, and the whole Goldstein lab for their kindness, patience, and support. He’d also like to thank the Amgen Foundation for this opportunity to learn new skills and refine his interests as a scientist.

Justin Amakor
Home University: UCLA
Class: senior
Major: Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Melissa Spencer

Justin is a rising senior at UCLA majoring in Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology. Justin started in the Spencer Lab in the summer of 2022. There, Justin studies the influence of macrophage-specific Spp1 on the dystrophic phenotype and cell-cell interactions in the dystrophic muscle niche. This is all with the aim of better understanding Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) and the mechanisms that increase its severity.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an inherited degenerative muscular disorder caused by mutations in the DMD gene. Mutations in the DMD gene cause a loss of function of dystrophin, a protein essential for muscle cell membrane integrity via the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC). As a result, muscle cells are prone to chronic injury, dysregulated inflammation, and fibrosis. As an Amgen scholar, Justin will study DMD using muscular dystrophy X-linked mice (mdx mice), which are mice with a dystrophic background because of a point mutation in the DMD gene that causes them to express non-function dystrophin. This model will be used alongside the macrophage conditional knockout mouse line (MϕcKO) created by the Spencer Lab. The ablation of macrophage osteopontin has led to the disappearance of two stromal cell subclusters. The two subclusters were transcriptionally characterized and found to be novel stromal cell populations, which the Spencer lab refers to as ApoD(+) and Cxcl13(+) stromal cells. Using immunofluorescence techniques, Justin will find out if macrophage osteopontin is responsible for the viability of these cells and through which mechanism this happens. Justin will also characterize the phenotypic effects of missing ApoD(+) and Cxcl13(+) stromal cells on the mdx mice muscles. The preliminary characterization will involve using intracellular fat staining to uncover any difference in the amount of intracellular fat in MϕcKO compared to the control mice.

Justin is exceptionally grateful to everyone at the Spencer Lab for their kindness, patience, and helpfulness. This is especially so for Justin’s graduate student mentor, Raquel Aragón, and his PI, Dr. Melissa Spencer. Justin would also like to thank the Amgen Foundation for this opportunity and their support in his journey to become a physician-scientist.

Zachary Caterer
Home University: University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Class: senior
Major: Molecular Biology, Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Mireille Kamariza

Zachary Caterer, an undergraduate student at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (UWEC), is focused on the development and integration of novel imaging techniques, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to enhance diagnostic accuracy and improve point-of-care practices. At UWEC, he contributed to a project in the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Materials Science and Department of Computer Science, where he assisted in developing deep learning algorithms for automated and precise detection and classification of laser-based spectroscopic images. This advancement has the potential to revolutionize diagnostic processes, aiming to enhance patient treatment and outcomes.

As an Amgen Scholar, Zachary is currently working on integrating machine learning and fluorescence microscopy techniques to create an automated system for the accurate detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) in patient smears. By utilizing environment-sensitive probes and the low-cost fluorescence microscope Octopi, his objective is to streamline the diagnostic process and improve the efficiency and reliability of TB detection. The project involves investigating optimal parameters for probe detection, distinguishing between live and dead cells, assessing drug resistance, and detecting Mtb cells in human samples. Through this research, Zachary aims to contribute to global efforts in combating tuberculosis and ultimately enhance patient care.

Zachary extends his sincere gratitude to the Amgen Foundation and The Kamariza Lab for the invaluable opportunity to develop and execute his project, further refining his skills as a researcher.

Arden Clauss
Home University: Carleton College
Class: senior
Major: Chemistry
Faculty Mentor: Dr. José Rodríguez

Arden is a rising senior chemistry major at Carleton College. He greatly values the time he spends with his peers exploring scientific understanding, and is particularly interested in physical and analytical chemistry and biochemistry and their applications in advancing society.

As part of the Amgen Scholars Program at UCLA, Arden is conducting research in the lab of Dr. José Rodríguez in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. The Rodríguez lab studies structural biology with computational, biochemical, and biophysical approaches using imaging methods such as electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and electron diffraction. Arden is using these diffraction methods to explore structural aspects of binding in enzyme inhibition. Papain is a cysteine protease used as a model system for numerous analogous enzymes including the particularly relevant PLpro domain of Nsp3 from SARS-CoV-2, which is vital for viral replication. Inhibition of papain is possible with small molecules such as E64 that irreversibly bind the thiol group at the active site characteristic of these enzymes. Examining binding of E64 derivatives is of interest for selective inhibition of cysteine proteases, which has potential as a therapeutic tool in targeting viral and neurodegenerative disease pathways.

Arden would like to thank his mentors Professor Rodríguez and Niko Vlahakis for their invaluable guidance, as well as UCLA and the Amgen Scholars Program for providing him with this opportunity to grow as a scientist.

Christina Deng
Home University: UCLA
Class: senior
Major: Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Rachelle Crosbie

Christina is a rising senior at UCLA majoring in Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology. She has worked in Dr. Crosbie’s lab since December 2021, where she studies how the mechanotransduction protein YAP can alter inflammatory macrophage behavior in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), enhancing overall disease pathology.

DMD is a rare, X-linked disorder that currently has no cure and is ultimately fatal. Patients experience progressive muscle weakness and muscle degeneration, as well as chronic inflammation and muscle fibrosis due to elevated macrophage activity. Muscle fibrosis results in elevated extracellular matrix (ECM) stiffness, activating mechanosensing proteins such as YAP, which normally regulates cell proliferation, but also has a potential role in polarizing macrophages towards an inflammatory phenotype in stiffer environments. Christina’s project with the UCLA Amgen Scholars Program seeks to better understand how macrophage cytotoxic behavior is altered when YAP is activated in macrophages by the stiffer, fibrotic environment of DMD muscle. Using cytotoxicity assays and immunofluorescence techniques, Christina hopes to better understand mechanisms of immunomodulation and macrophage behavior in DMD.

Christina would like to thank her graduate student mentors, Pranav Kannan and Daniel Helzer, and Dr. Rachelle Crosbie for their incredible mentorship and support, as well as the Amgen Foundation for this amazing opportunity to continue her growth as a scientist.

Charlotte George
Home University: Wesleyan University
Class: senior
Major: Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Neuroscience and Behavior
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Amjad Askary

Charlotte is a rising senior at Wesleyan University double majoring in Molecular Biology and
Biochemistry, and Neuroscience and Behavior. At Wesleyan, she works in Dr. MacQueen’s lab, using
budding yeast as a model organism for studying the dynamics of meiotic proteins involved in the structure
and function of the synaptonemal complex.
As a UCLA Amgen Scholar, Charlotte works in Dr. Askary’s lab in the Molecular, Cell and
Developmental Biology Department, and this lab focuses on creating and utilizing new or modified
molecular tools to understand embryonic development of the mammalian retina with the goal of using this
understanding to develop better therapeutic strategies and molecular diagnostics for neurodegenerative
disorders of the eye. Charlotte is using a modified single molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization
(smFISH) procedure developed by a member of the Askary Lab to visualize the presence and localization
of the expression of 33 different genes of RPCs in embryonic mouse tissue with the hopes to use this
combined spatial and transcriptional information to characterize subtypes of RPCs that could inform on
what biases an RPC to assume a certain cell fate. This would provide further insight into the development
of the retina, as well as a means of generating a reliable source of different retinal cell types to use for
studying treatment of retinal damage.
Charlotte would like to thank Dr. Askary, her mentor Pratiti Dasgupta, lab manager Yuka McGrath, and
the other members of the Askary Lab for their guidance, support, and encouragement, as well as the
Amgen Foundation for this amazing opportunity!

Miriam Lepiz
Home University: UC Irvine
Class: senior
Major: Microbiology and Immunology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Hong Zhou

Miriam Lepiz is a rising senior at UC Irvine conducting research in the Rodriguez Verdugo lab in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Her project is focused on increasing the realism and diversity of a three-strain synthetic microbial community representative of the Loma Ridge site in Irvine Ca.

As a UCLA Amgen scholar, Miriam is conducting research in Dr. Hong Zhou’s lab in the Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics and the Electron Imaging Center for Nanomachines. The Zhou lab focuses on 3D structural studies of biological complexes using Cryo-EM and Cryo-ET.

For the summer, she has focused on constructing an atomic model of the Mammalian Reovirus (MRV) using a cryo-em map. MRV is a segmented dsRNA virus with two capsid layers, belonging to the Reovirdae family. It is known to be a gastrointestinal virus capable of infecting all mammals but has low pathogenicity towards humans. This virus is studied due to its oncolytic function and to be used as a model for more pathogenic viruses that belong to the Reovirdae family. An atomic model of MRV will provide a high enough resolution to study the interactions within the intermediate particles of the virus during viral replication and assembly.

Miriam would like to thank Dr. Hong Zhou and Dr. Xiaoyu Liu for their incredible mentorship and extensive support. She would also like to thank the Amgen Foundation for providing her with the opportunity to grow as a researcher.

Marcos Moliné
Home University: University of California, San Diego
Class: junior
Major: Neurobiology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Richard Staba

Marcos Moliné is a rising third-year neurobiology student at UCSD, working in the Molina Lab at UCSD Health, where they study mitochondrial dysfunction and its relation to healthy aging.

As part of the UCLA Amgen Scholars program, Marcos is working in Dr. Richard Staba’s Lab. His project focuses on analyzing the effects of the potential drug treatments, deferiprone and levetiracetam, in preventing epileptogenesis after traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Because the onset of epilepsy can take months to years to occur in humans after TBI, Marcos’ project uses rats as an animal model. TBI is induced, and high frequency oscillations, interictal spikes, and seizures are monitored as biomarkers during the acute period (14 days) following TBI.  Currently, anti-seizure medications such as levetiracetam are prescribed to epileptic patients to treat their seizures. However, this drug only prevents symptoms. Therefore, there is a need for a treatment to prevent epileptogenesis after TBI, especially considering that 15-50% of patients who experience TBI develop epilepsy. Deferiprone has been identified as a possible anti-epileptogenic treatment because it is an iron chelator and will metabolize potentially harmful iron released in the brain due to bleeding. The lab hypothesizes that a combination of deferiprone and levetiracetam will reduce the observed biomarkers, indicating increased potential as an anti-epileptogenic treatment, which can be further studied in clinical trials.

Marcos is very grateful to Dr. Richard Staba and Dr. Cesar Santana-Gomez for their mentorship this summer, as well as to the Amgen Foundation and UCLA for giving him this opportunity.

Truman Natividad
Home University: University of California, Santa Cruz
Class: senior
Major: Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. D’Juan Farmer

Truman is a rising senior at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) who studies Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental (MCD) Biology. Since June 2022, he has been conducting undergraduate research in the Chamorro-Garcia lab of the Department of Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology at UCSC, where he has been studying the obesogenic effects that microfiber microplastics have on mesenchymal stem cells as they differentiate into adipocytes.

This summer, through the Amgen Scholars Program, Truman is working with the Farmer lab of the Department of MCD Biology at the University of California, Los Angeles, which studies the inter- and intracellular mechanisms that drive and disrupt craniofacial development. Truman is attempting to visualize the periosteal dura, a layer of the meningeal tissues that sits just below the calvaria of the skull. While it is understood that the meninges are integral to proper calvaria bone growth and function, it is unclear if the periosteal dura has a supporting role in this interaction. Truman and the Farmer lab hope that visualizing the periosteal dura throughout the stages of zebrafish development will elucidate the relationship the periosteal dura has between the calvaria and the rest of the meningeal tissues.

Truman would like to thank Dr. Farmer, Benny Mosquera, Katie Wilhem, and the Amgen Foundation for investing their time, energy, and resources in him and his summer research project. Their support has made for an unforgettable summer of scientific and self-discovery.

Alyssa Pama
Home University: California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo
Class: senior
Major: Biochemistry
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Daniel Kamei

Alyssa is a rising senior at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo studying Biochemistry. At Cal Poly, Alyssa works in Dr. Andres Martinez’s research laboratory and has been testing enzyme stabilizers on paper for applications on point-of-care (POC) microfluidic paper-based devices.

At UCLA, Alyssa is conducting research under Dr. Daniel T. Kamei in the Department of Bioengineering. The Kamei Laboratory focuses on the development of novel POC diagnostics and was the first to apply aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) to lateral-flow immunoassays (LFAs). ATPSs can be used to pre-concentrate a target biomarker into a smaller volume to improve the sensitivity of LFAs. Previous studies done by the Kamei Laboratory have shown that polymer-salt ATPSs can decrease the LFA limit of detection by 10-fold. However, because polymer-polymer ATPSs are more temperature resistant than polymer-salt ATPSs, they are more applicable at the POC. Alyssa’s current project is to optimize the use of a polymer-polymer ATPS composed of polyethylene glycol and dextran for use with LFAs. Since dextran is too viscous to efficiently flow across a LFA, the enzyme dextranase will be used to cleave dextran into smaller subunits. This should improve the flow of dextran by decreasing viscosity and consequently, increase the sensitivity of the LFA.

Alyssa would like to thank Dr. Daniel Kamei, Frances Nicklen, and all of the members of the Kamei Laboratory for being so welcoming and helping her grow as a scientist. She would also like to thank the Amgen Foundation for funding this amazing summer research opportunity.

Sean Pascoe
Home University: Northwestern University
Class: senior
Major: Biological Sciences
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Aaron Meyer

Originally from Tucson, AZ, Sean is a rising senior at Northwestern University studying biology with minors in Data Science and French. At Northwestern, Sean works in the lab of Dr. Thomas Hope, where he has highlighted trends in PET/CT and vaccine trial data to better understand the dynamics of HIV infection. He is passionate about science education, as well as finding ways to integrate computational biology work with the discovery of niche coffee shops in Chicago.

At UCLA, Sean is working in the Meyer lab to decipher complex immune cell relationships within and between patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) is used to profile heterogeneity in biological systems, but current analysis strategies lack the ability to robustly differentiate patient-to-patient variation when comparing samples across many different individuals. To profile multi-experiment scRNA-seq data, the Meyer lab has adapted PARAFAC2, a multidimensional variance decomposition method, to first align data between experiments and subsequently perform dimensionality reduction. PARAFAC2 enables a 3-dimensional approach to linear decompositions of scRNA-seq data, and is thus better able to model natural variation. This summer, Sean is applying this method to 1.2 million cells derived from 260 patients, with the goal of using PARAFAC2 to strengthen understanding of the cell-level changes that contribute to the SLE disease state.

Sean would like to thank Andrew Ramirez, Dr. Meyer, and the rest of the Meyer lab for their invaluable support throughout the summer, as well as the Amgen Scholars program at UCLA for this opportunity.

Aishini Singh
Home University: UC Davis
Class: senior
Major: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Anthony Covarrubias

Aishini is a rising senior at UC Davis. There, she conducts research in the Ori-McKenney Lab on the phosphorylation of microtubule-associated protein tau following traumatic brain injury and has investigated the underlying dopaminergic and serotonergic neuronal activity in the development of tau pathology.

At UCLA, Aishini works under Dr. Anthony Covarrubias in the Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics to conduct research on cell cycle regulators p21 and p16 in senescent macrophages. Cellular senescence, a cell fate characterized by irreversible cell-cycle arrest in response to various stressors, is an emerging driver of aging and aging-associated diseases. The Covarrubias lab has identified macrophages as a new cell type that can undergo senescence. Subsequent tests performed by the lab indicate an increase in senescent marker p21 in senescent macrophages, but a decrease in senescent marker p16. Aishini’s project in the Covarrubias lab thus entails determining the role of p21 and p16 in the senescent programming of macrophages. She is using CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing to generate p16 and p21 knock-outs in primary macrophages. Then, following treatment with irradiation, which is known to induce senescence through DNA damage, she will conduct various assays on these cells to test the effects on senescent programming. She hypothesizes that p21, but not p16, is important for macrophage senescent programming, and overall aims to identify markers of cellular senescence in resident macrophages.

Aishini would like to thank the entire Covarrubias lab, especially Dr. Anthony Covarrubias and graduate student Grasiela Torres, and the Amgen Foundation for this opportunity to enhance her skills as a researcher.

Elise Tahti
Home University: Western Washington University
Class: senior
Major: Biochemistry
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Lily Wu

Elise is a rising senior at Western Washington University, where she conducts undergraduate research in Dr. Jeanine Amacher’s structural biology and protein biochemistry lab. While in the Amacher lab, Elise has studied protein-peptide interactions in a variety of proteins/domains – including Sortase A enzymes, SH3 domains, and PDZ domains – and recently published a first-author journal article.

At UCLA, Elise works for Dr. Lily Wu in the Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology; her focus for the summer is to investigate the inhibitory effect of statins on triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) cell lines. Statins are commonly used to lower blood cholesterol by inhibiting HMG CoA reductase but have been seen to pleiotropically inhibit a variety of aggressive cancer types, including TNBC. TNBC does not exhibit overexpression of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) and does not express estrogen or progesterone receptors (ER and PR). Two of the most common therapies for breast cancer are anti-HER2 and endocrine-based and are therefore not effective against TNBC. Statins present a possible therapeutic method for treating this type of cancer, but not much is currently known about the mechanism/pathways at play. This project aims to gain insight into the inhibitory action of statins in this context, particularly as it relates to epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, metastasis, and hypoxia.

Elise is very thankful for this wonderful opportunity to work with everyone in the Wu lab and for the support of both the Amgen Foundation and UCLA.

Mark Hiroshi Sugita Troftgruben
Home University: California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Class: senior
Major: Biological Sciences
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Peter Clark

Mark is a rising senior at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, where he conducts organic synthesis research in Dr. Scott Eagon’s medicinal chemistry lab. In the “E-Lab,” he attempts to synthesize small molecule benzoxazole inhibitors of casein kinase 2 (CK2), an understudied kinase that phosphorylates over 700 different residues and is known to be upregulated in numerous types of cancers.

This summer at UCLA, Mark works for Dr. Peter Clark in the Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology where his focus is on expressing Hexokinase 2 (HK2) and both identifying and characterizing potential small molecule inhibitors of it. Elevated glucose consumption via aerobic glycolysis—known as the Warburg Effect—is fundamental to nearly all cancers and hexokinase catalyzes the first rate-limiting step of glycolysis. Given this and the fact that HK1 and HK2 provide redundant protection from loss of function for either of these isoforms of hexokinase, the Clark Lab aims to selectively inhibit HK1 HK2+ cancers (40 percent of hepatocellular carcinoma cases) by identifying small molecule inhibitors of HK2. Using enzymatic and thermal shift curve assays, Mark looks to better understand the mechanisms behind which small molecules identified from high-throughput screening inhibit HK2.

Mark would like to thank Dr. Clark and his mentor, Stefani Perez, as well as Ph.D. candidate K.M. Ryan and undergraduate Rachel Jiang for their wonderful mentorship and support. He would also like to thank UCLA and the Amgen Foundation for the opportunity to explore a different field of research this summer.

Matthew Williams
Home University: Oregon State University
Class: senior
Major: Microbiology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Lili Yang

Matthew is a rising senior majoring in microbiology at Oregon State University. There, he works in Dr. Hannah Rowe’s lab where he studies interactions between the microbiome and influenza A virus that contribute to the stabilization and propagation of viral infections.

As an Amgen scholar at UCLA Matthew works in Dr. Lili Yang’s lab in the department of microbiology, immunology and molecular genetics. The Yang lab focuses on developing novel cancer immunotherapies by studying the mechanisms behind antitumor immunity. Matthew’s project specifically focuses on the effects of creatine supplementation on the cellular activation of dendritic cells within the energy-poor tumor microenvironment (TME). Previous research has shown that creatine is important for preventing an “exhausted state” in T-cells within the TME and that creatine supplementation results in decreased tumor growth in mouse melanoma models. However, the effects of creatine on other members of the tumor microenvironment is largely understudied. The goal of Matthew’s work in the Yang lab is to look for activation markers in non-treated, creatine supplemented and ATP supplemented dendritic cells in order to gain a better understanding of how creatine affects the cellular activation of dendritic cells and how it may play a role in disease detection and immune activation.

Alexander Wu
Home University: UCLA
Class: senior
Major: Neuroscience and Design | Media Arts
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Sotiris Masmanidis

Alex is a rising senior at UCLA majoring in Neuroscience and Design | Media Arts. Since his sophomore year, he has been performing research with Dr. Sotiris Masmanidis’s Lab at UCLA to study the neural mechanisms involved in reward learning and movement.

During the UCLA Amgen Scholars Program, Alex is investigating the behavioral and electrophysiological characteristics of gait and locomotion in healthy and Parkinson-like model mice. Gait impairments are characteristic of cognitive decline and some neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s Disease (PD). PD pathology includes symptoms such as dopaminergic neuron death in neural circuits involving the basal ganglia and implicated in proper movement modulation. Preliminary data from the Masmanidis Lab has demonstrated basal ganglia neural encoding for limb gait parameters in healthy mice and disruption of such neural firing in neurotoxin Parkinson-like mice models. However, such neurotoxin models, such as induced dopaminergic neuron death with 6-hydroxydopamine, do not fully characterize PD pathology, such as development of misfolded α-synuclein aggregates including Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites. Using computational ethology for behavioral gait tracking and electrophysiological recordings of the basal ganglia, Alex is exploring gait in healthy mice and mice injected with pathological α-synuclein in the basal ganglia to quantify the behavioral and neurological deficits associated with PD.

Alex would like to thank the UCLA Amgen Scholars Program, the Amgen Foundation, and the Masmanidis Lab for the opportunity and their support in his growth as a researcher and scientist.

Jerry Zhang
Home University: Amherst College
Class: junior
Major: Biochemistry and Economics
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Neil Harris

Jerry is a junior at Amherst College pursuing majors in Biochemistry and Economics. While at Amherst College, he conducted research with Professor Lara Halaoui, studying the effects of dopant rare-earth metals on the electrocatalysis of the oxygen evolution reaction for water splitting.

As an Amgen Scholar at UCLA, Jerry is working in Dr. Neil Harris’ lab in the department of neurosurgery. His project in the Harris lab involves a collaboration with the Dr. Ina Wanner lab to investigate neurodegeneration in brain cells following repetitive minor traumatic brain injuries (TBI) using immunofluorescence. There are many studies showing that moderate and severe TBI leads to changes in the brain’s pathology and cognition in both the short and long-term. However, recent findings suggest that repetitive minor TBI also has short and long-term effects. In the Harris lab, Jerry will undergo an explorative study to determine where and to quantify how much neurodegeneration is occurring in the brain following repeated minor TBI in the acute phase. He will do this by staining mouse brains with antibodies that detect neurodegeneration and imaging them. This study has great relevance to contact athletes who often encounter multiple mild brain traumas throughout a season of play. Furthermore, it will further research on the early detection of and cures for Alzheimer’s Disease.

Jerry would like to thank the Amgen Foundation, the Harris Lab, and the Wanner Lab for their extensive mentorship and generous support in his exploration into the world of science.

Alexis Anica
Home University: UC Irvine
Class: senior
Major: Public Health
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Michael Teitell

Alexis is a senior at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) majoring in Public Health Sciences. While at UCI, she conducted research in the Lee-Jang lab working on understanding the basics of kidney metabolism under different experimental conditions that emulate those of human diet patterns.

As a visiting Amgen Scholar at UCLA, Alexis is working in Dr. Michael Teitell’s lab in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. Her project in the Teitell lab consists of understanding the effect that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has on extracellular vesicle activity, specifically exosomes, in cancer. The lab has generated preliminary data showing a connection between mtDNA and exosome expression. However, there is no indication of how mtDNA defects may impact the progression of cancer downstream. The Teitell lab seeks to define this relationship by engineering cells with mtDNA mutations using a technique, MitoPunch, that was established internally. Once cells are engineered with the desired mutations, they can be selected for and metabolically characterized. The exosomes produced from these engineered cell lines can be isolated and their contents identified. The results obtained from the experiments conducted could allow for the development of new therapeutic agents that target exosome expression in cancer.

Alexis thanks the Amgen Foundation, the UCLA Amgen Scholars Program, and the members of the Teitell lab at UCLA for their mentorship and support.

Daria Azizad
Home University: UCLA
Class: senior
Major: Neuroscience
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Aparna Bhaduri

Daria Azizad is an undergraduate Neuroscience student at the University of California, Los Angeles. She is particularly interested in studying molecular mechanisms and biological pathways in relation to human disease. In the Bhaduri Lab in the Department of Biological Chemistry, Daria primarily studies cortical organoid metabolism, glioblastoma invasion in the organoid system, and does bioinformatics projects to investigate cell type through RNA-seq and ATAC-seq data. 

As an Amgen Scholar, Daria is studying the influence of hormones on cortical cell fate specification and metabolism in the organoid system. The cortical organoid model system is an effective tool for the study of cortical development and related pathologies; it lacks many connections that the endogenous brain has, including interactions with the endocrine system. Therefore, the organoid model acts as a “blank slate” in which many factors found in vivo are not present. Thus, through selectively introducing factors to study their role, their function may be further elucidated. Daria’s project aims to better characterize the role of the hormones estradiol, progesterone, and T4 in early cortical development, with the overall goal of investigating the effects of the stated hormones on the metabolic profile, gene expression, morphology, and cell survival in the cortical organoid.

Daria would like to thank the Amgen Foundation and the Bhaduri Lab for the incredible opportunity to develop and execute her independent project and enhance her skills as a researcher.

Álvaro Chumpitaz Lavalle
Home University: UCLA
Class: junior
Major: Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. David Nathanson

Alvaro is a rising fourth-year Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology Major at the University of California, Los Angeles. As an undergraduate, he worked in Dr. Julia Mack’s laboratory developing machine learning models for image segmentation and imaging calcium signaling activity in zebrafish embryos. The Mack Lab is interested in elucidating mechanisms of endothelial mechanotransduction in the context of vascular health and disease.

For the UCLA Amgen Scholars Program, Alvaro will be conducting research in the laboratory of Dr. David Nathanson in the Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology. The Nathanson Laboratory focuses on understanding the functional biology of brain cancer and the development of novel therapeutics to target glioblastoma, an aggressive and lethal malignant tumor. Aberrations in the signaling cascades of ErbB/HER family of tyrosine kinase receptors are a hallmark of several types of cancer; specifically, mutations in the EGFR/HER1 receptor can lead to uncontrolled cellular proliferation and migration. Therefore, this pathway presents itself as a target for therapeutics aiming to combat cancer growth. For his project, Alvaro will be investigating the selectivity and potency of a novel small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitor against metastatic EGFR-driven non-small-cell lung cancer. This research could provide invaluable information for further inquires into the novel drug’s ability to target other EGFR-driven cancer types.

Alvaro would like to thank Dr. Nathanson and his graduate student mentor, Quincy Okobi, for all the support and an unforgettable summer. Alvaro would also like to thank the Amgen Foundation for this opportunity to conduct research during the summer.

Mai Dang
Home University: Pomona College
Class: sophomore
Major: Molecular Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Daniel Kamei

Mai Dang is a rising junior at Pomona College. As an undergraduate, she conducts research in the Negritto lab, where she investigates factors Rad 4, Rad 3, and Rad 30 in budding yeast to elucidate their role in Non-Homologous End Joining, a major pathway for the repair of double-strand breaks.

At UCLA, Mai is working with Dr Daniel Kamei in the department of Bioengineering. The Kamei Lab works on improving Lateral-Flow Immunoassays, a point-of-care diagnostic device. They have previously pioneered a technique called ACE-LFA, in which Aqueous Two Phase Systems are exploited to pre-concentrate biomarkers by minimizing the volume of the phase into which the target partitions, increasing the LFA’s limit-of-detection. The Kamei Lab also uses the system to introduce colorimetric substrates that increase test & control line intensity. While exciting results have been obtained, the Kamei Lab would like to be able to theoretically predict the optimal signal enhancement reagent for a range of ATPS combinations. The Lab has therefore developed a thermodynamic model to predict signal enhancement reagent partitioning. The goal of Mai’s project is to evaluate the model by measuring the partition coefficients of two colorimetric substrates in two different ATPSs and comparing them with predicted values. Subsequently, she will investigate any correlation between enhancement reagent partitioning and ACE-LFA performance by running ACE-LFA trials with the four conditions.

Mai would like to thank the Amgen foundation, Dr Daniel Kamei, and all the members of the Kamei Lab for investing time and resources towards her growth as a researcher.

Cynthia Dharmawan
Home University: UCSB
Class: junior
Major: Pharmacology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Rachelle Crosbie

Cynthia is a rising third year at UC Santa Barbara majoring in Pharmacology. At UCSB, she works in Dr. Weimbs’ lab, where she studies the mechanism of polycystic kidney disease.

As a UCLA Amgen Scholar, Cynthia works in Dr. Crosbie’s lab in the Integrative Biology and Physiology department studying muscular dystrophy. Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an X-linked childhood onset degenerative disease caused by loss of function mutations in the DMD gene that encodes for dystrophin, affecting 1 in 5700 males. Patients with DMD have muscle weakness, leading to loss of ambulation as well as respiratory and cardiac dysfunction, ultimately leading to death. Dr. Crosbie has identified a transmembrane protein, sarcospan (SSPN), that associates with major adhesion complexes that provide stability to the cell during muscle contraction. Overexpression of SSPN in dystrophin-deficient mdx mice (murine model of DMD), improved skeletal muscle pathology and cardiac physiology. Previous studies have taken a targeted approach to determine which proteins are important for SSPN to ameliorate dystrophic pathology in mdx mice. To identify the global molecular mechanisms underlying SSPN’s cardioprotective effect, the Crosbie lab performed proteomics analysis on 1-year old wild-type, mdx, and mdxTG (transgenically overexpressing SSPN) hearts. Cynthia’s project will involve identifying the pathways of interest that could be contributing to the rescue of DMD by SSPN in cardiac tissue and to confirm the proteomics data by immunofluorescence analysis and western blots.

Cynthia would like to thank the Amgen Foundation, Dr. Crosbie, and mentor Hafsa Mamsa for supporting her interest in research.

Kate Enquist
Home University: Vassar College
Class: junior
Major: Biochemistry
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Varghese John

Kate is a rising junior studying Biochemistry at Vassar College. There Kate studies the structure and character of plasmid protein orf-90 under the mentorship of Dr. Krystle McLaughlin. The McLaughlin lab investigates the role of plasmid proteins in conferring antibiotic resistance. As an AMGEN Scholar at UCLA, Kate is working in Dr. Varghese John’s lab. Her project examines compounds that inhibit PLpro, a main protease integral to SARS-CoV-2 replication. Protease inhibitors could be a crucial protective agent against SARS-CoV-2, as they could be administered to infected individuals. By diminishing viral replication, the protease inhibitors diminish the prevalence of severe SARS-CoV-2 symptoms, long term SARS-CoV-2 symptoms, and hospitalizations.

The John lab has identified two PLPro inhibitors: DDL-701 and DDL-715. Kate will measure the PLpro IC50 of these compounds to elucidate the proper dose. Subsequently, Kate will determine whether new chemical entities inhibit PLpro in a PLpro activity assay. These compounds will be derived from successful SARS-CoV-2 protease inhibitors, such as Paxlovid TM, DDL-701, and DDL-715. Employing Paxlovid TM with the most potent PLpro inhibitors may amplify the inhibition of viral replication. Kate will then examine the Phase 1 metabolism of DDL-701, DDL-715, and any other identified inhibitors. The results will help elucidate how the protease inhibitors are metabolized and the rate of this metabolism. Kate would like to thank Dr. Varghese John and Jesus Campagna for their invaluable support, as well as the Amgen Foundation for this opportunity.

Karl Ensberg
Home University: UC Davis
Class: junior
Major: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Guillaume Chanfreau

Karl is a rising senior at UC Davis, majoring in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Since his sophomore year he has performed research in Dr. Wolf Heyer’s lab studying BRCA2, which is a tumor suppressor protein involved in homologous recombination.

As an Amgen Scholar at UCLA, he is working in the lab of Dr. Guillaume Chanfreau in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry studying a recently discovered hybrid mRNA-snoRNA (hmsnoRNA). SnoRNA on their own can be transcribed from DNA in 3 different ways: independent transcriptional units, polycistronic clusters, or within the introns of pre-mRNAs. When snoRNAs are transcribed via introns, splicing is an important step in the formation of mature snoRNAs. The Chanfreau lab discovered that when splicing is interrupted, it can lead to the development of hmsnoRNAs. HmsnoRNAs consists of the processed 5’ end of an unspliced mRNA with a mature snoRNA on the 3’ end. As a result of their 5’ mRNA-like structure, hmsnoRNAs are exported into the cytoplasm and degraded via the mRNA decay pathway. Karl’s project focuses on examining whether or not hmsnoRNA can be translated into proteins. His project will utilize Western blot to detect for a FLAG tag which is coded in the theoretical coding region of the hmsnoRNA transcript being used.

Karl would like to thank the UCLA Amgen Scholars program for this opportunity, and Dr. Guillaume Chanfreau, Dr. Michelle Gibbs, and his graduate student mentor Sam DeMario for their assistance and encouragement in fostering his growth as a scientist.

Noah (Bibo) Feng
Home University: Brown University
Class: junior
Major: Chemical Physics
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kendall Houk

Noah is a rising senior at Brown University majoring in chemical physics. At Brown, Noah works in Professor Brenda Rubenstein’s research group, where he employs replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the mechanism behind the gout-preventing properties of Proteoglycan 4.

As a UCLA Amgen Scholar, Noah works under Professor Kendall Houk in the department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. This summer, Noah and the Houk group are working in collaboration with Professor David Baker’s group at the University of Washington to design the first ever enzyme catalyst for tetrazine cycloaddition reactions, a class of bioorthogonal reactions whose utility in molecular imaging and other biomedical applications can benefit from an effective enzyme catalyst. Recently, the Baker group used their newly developed deep-learning based methods to design many protein scaffolds with cavities that could have the potential to become catalytic binding sites. Utilizing their designs as a starting point, Noah will employ rotamer interaction field docking to modify the cavities of these designs so that it can bind and stabilize the tetrazine cycloaddition reaction’s transition state, the structure of which he will obtain via density functional theory calculations. Then, he will use a Monte-Carlo-based sequence design protocol to modify the amino acid sequences around the catalytic cavities in order to ensure that the designs are not only enzymatically active, but also possess high folding stability.

Noah would like to thank Dr. Kendall Houk and Declan Evans for their extensive mentorship, as well as the Amgen Foundation for supporting this research project.

Sofia Guerrero
Home University: Duke University
Class: junior
Major: Neuroscience
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Lindsay De Biase

Sofia is a rising junior majoring in Neuroscience and minoring in Computer Science at Duke University. At Duke, she works in Dr. Gustavo Silva’s lab to study the mechanisms by which cells regulate their mitochondria in the face of oxidative stress, a harmful process which damages cellular biomolecules, fostering cell death, and contributes to neurodegeneration.

As a UCLA Amgen Scholar, Sofia is working in Dr. Lindsay De Biase’s lab, which focuses on understanding why and how microglial regional specialization affects basal ganglia neuronal function as well as the viability of these neurons in the face of aging and pathology. Microglia are involved in almost every important brain process, spanning from early development to aging and neurodegeneration, and are most well-known for their phagocytic role as the brain’s immune cells, clearing the brain of dying neurons, synapses, debris, protein aggregates, and pathogens. In the De Biase Lab, Sofia is working on an assay to accurately visualize and quantify the phagocytic abilities of microglia in acute brain sections of mice. Development of this assay will enable more robust analysis of microglial phagocytosis in a variety of contexts such as developmental circuit maturation and circuit breakdown during neurodegeneration.

Mina Kim
Home University: University of Pennsylvania
Class: junior
Major: Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. April Pyle

Mina is a rising senior studying biology at the University of Pennsylvania. During her sophomore year, she worked remotely with Dr. Knoepfler from UC Davis and researched about stem cells and cell therapies. Throughout her junior year, she worked with cancer cells and proteins at Dr. Yang’s lab at UPenn.

As part of the Amgen Scholars Program at UCLA this summer, Mina is conducting research at Dr. April Pyle’s lab, which involves studying the differentiation process of human pluripotent stem cells into muscle stem cells as well as the regenerative nature of muscle stem cells, which can potentially serve as a treatment for diseases involving muscular dystrophy, such as Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). Mina’s research question focuses on the maturation of skeletal muscle progenitor cells (SMPCs) into muscle stem cells within this differentiation process. Specifically, she is working to see if the addition of ligands, including androgen, estrogen, and glucocorticoids, to SMPCs will promote maturation towards the muscle stem cell stage.

Mina would like to thank the Amgen Scholars Program, the Pyle Lab, and her mentor Peggie for an amazing opportunity to further her research interests this summer.

Stephanie Martinez-Beltran
Home University: UCR
Class: senior
Major: Microbiology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Peter Bradley

Stephanie is a senior studying microbiology at the University of California – Riverside. At her home institution, Stephanie conducts research in Dr. Adler Dillman’s nematology lab. The Dillman lab investigates how insect hosts recognize/initiate an immune response to parasitic nematode invasion and how parasites evade/suppress host immunity. Stephanie studies bacterial-induced immune responses of Drosophila melanogaster CRISPR mutants to examine the potential immune functions of various enzymatic homologs of the lipid and eicosanoid synthesis pathways.

As a UCLA Amgen Scholar, Stephanie works in Dr. Peter Bradley’s parasitology lab in the Department of Microbiology, Immunology, & Molecular Genetics. The Bradley lab studies the molecular biology of the obligate intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii, focusing on the roles that secretory organelles play during host-cell invasion. T.gondii causes Toxoplasmosis, a severe infection that develops in immunocompromised or pregnant individuals via contaminated food and feline feces. Stephanie’s project investigates the roles of T.gondii aurora kinases, TgArk2 and TgArk3, in parasite cell division and centrosome function. She explored whether the localization of TgArk2 is altered in a TgArk3 knockout background and how the loss of both TgArk2 and TgArk3 affects parasite fitness. By utilizing CRISPR/Cas9, cloning, and immunofluorescence assays, the lab aims to better understand these kinases and the clues they may provide for developing new drugs targeting parasite-specific functions in T. gondii and other apicomplexan parasites.

Stephanie would like to thank the entire Bradley Lab, especially Dr. Bradley and Rebecca Pasquarelli, for their mentorship and the Amgen Foundation and UCLA Amgen Scholars Program for their generous support.

Elaine Nagahara
Home University: John Hopkins University
Class: junior
Major: Materials Science & Engineering
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Dino Di Carlo

Elaine Nagahara is a rising senior at Johns Hopkins University majoring in materials science and engineering with a concentration in biomaterials. In Dr. Luo Gu’s Lab at Johns Hopkins, she tunes material properties such as stiffness and viscoelasticity in alginate hydrogels to study their effects on cell behavior.

At UCLA, Elaine is translating her research background to investigating how changes in biomaterial properties affect the response of immune cells. While biomaterials have a large variety of healthcare applications, their success depends on how the immune system reacts to them. Once biomaterials enter the body, they interact with a myriad of molecular signals and different immune cell types via their material properties that modify the local microenvironment. This summer, Elaine is specifically studying how the presence of cell-adhesion peptides and the type of crosslinker used in hydrogel microporous annealed particle (MAP) scaffolds affect the response of antigen-presenting immune cells. MAP scaffolds are a novel class of injectable biomaterials that support the
regeneration of damaged tissue by facilitating host cells to infiltrate and form healthy complex tissue networks. She will create the MAP scaffolds with different conditions via microfluidics before seeding them with macrophages and dendritic cells. She will quantify their response by measuring the amount of scaffold uptake with fluorescence microscopy. These findings are important in creating an immunomodulatory platform that can target specific immune responses to advance tissue regeneration and other future applications such as vaccine development.

Elaine would like to thank the Di Carlo Lab for enriching and supporting her research interests, and the Amgen Foundation for funding this opportunity

Angie Santos
Home University: UC San Diego
Class: junior
Major: Biochemistry
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Albert Lai

University of California, San Diego



Faculty Mentor: Dr. Albert Lai

Angie Santos is a rising junior at UCSD majoring in biochemistry. There, she conducts research in the Olivier George Lab, an addiction research laboratory, investigating the behavioral and neurological components of addiction via single-cell whole-brain imaging (iDisco+).

As part of the UCLA Amgen Scholars program, Angie is in the Albert Lai Lab in the Department of Neurology. The Lai Lab investigates the use of epigenetic editing to improve the effectiveness of chemotherapy against glioblastomas, an aggressive form of primary brain cancer. Glioblastomas have the lowest survival rate compared to other brain tumor types and there’s currently no known cure. Such a poor prognosis emphasizes how necessary it is for the development of possible therapeutics to help treat glioblastoma patients. Angie’s summer project focuses on the validation of a potential gene therapy that could improve glioblastoma patient outcomes.

Angie would like to thank Dr. Albert Lai, Blaine Eldred, and the rest of the Lai Lab for their incredible support and mentorship throughout the program. She would also like to thank the Amgen Foundation for making her research experience at UCLA possible.

Sahana Shah
Home University: Oregon State University
Class: sophomore
Major: Biochemistry & Biophysics
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Joe Loo

Sahana is a rising junior studying the structure and function of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) using biophysical methods under Dr. Elisar Barbar at Oregon State University. There, her research project has focused on studying RNA interactions with the SARS-CoV-2 N protein linker region.

As an Amgen Scholar at UCLA, Sahana is conducting research under Dr. Joe Loo in the Departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Her research for the summer leverages top-down mass spectrometry to study the protein cytochrome c and its interaction with ATP. Cytochrome c, or cytc, is a soluble heme protein that plays an important role in the electron transport chain of the mitochondria. Cytc has an ATP-binding site of high affinity and specificity, which is highly conserved across different species. Previous biochemical and molecular dynamics simulations demonstrated that ATP can effectively stabilize protein structure and inhibit aggregation. Preliminary work in the Loo Lab has shown that bovine cytc was stabilized by nonspecific ATP binding but also promoted the formation of a cytc dimer at a certain concentration threshold, a novel discovery. The lab hopes to better characterize the binding between cytc and ATP and investigate if cytc dimerization is relevant in nature.

Sahana would like to thank Dr. Joe Loo, her graduate student mentor Jessie Le, and the rest of the Loo Lab for all of their guidance and support. She would also like to thank the Amgen Scholars Program at UCLA for this invaluable opportunity to grow as a scientist.

Priyanka Shrestha
Home University: Stanford University
Class: junior
Major: Computer Science
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Aaron Meyer

Priyanka is a rising third year student at Stanford University majoring in computer science. At UCLA, Priyanka is with the Meyer lab in the Department of Bioengineering. The Meyer lab applies experimental and computational strategies to measure, model, and therapeutically manipulate cell to cell interactions.

Priyanka’s project focuses on computational methods to improve system serology research, research that broadens our understanding of antibody-mediated protection by quantifying both the antigen-binding and Fc biophysical properties of antibodies. Previously, the lab has created a general model for predicting the interaction of Fc receptors with effector cells, incorporating multivalent, multi-receptor binding. The lab has also shown how coupled matrix-tensor factorization is promising in reducing the dimensionality of system serology data while still retaining the most important aspects of the data. A limitation of tensor factorization, however, is that it can only show linear relationships, whereas immune system complex coupling with receptors exhibits nonlinear behavior due to the varying biophysical properties of receptors, antibodies, and individual patient homeostasis. Therefore, there is a need to represent nonlinearity in reduction techniques to make more biologically relevant analyses and conclusions.

This summer, Priyanka is developing a novel tensor-based dimensionality reduction that incorporates a mechanistic binding model and reflects the biological properties of immune system complexes. By constructing decompositions from known antibody properties, she hopes to be able to reduce the scale of future studies by highlighting both redundant and novel measurements or properties that cannot be deciphered from current methods. Priyanka would like to thank the Meyer lab for their mentorship and support, and the Amgen foundation for giving her this opportunity.

Margot Whitmore
Home University: Mount Holyoke College
Class: junior
Major: Biochemistry
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Gal Bitan

Margot is a rising senior, majoring in Biochemistry and minoring in Mathematics, at Mount Holyoke College. There, they have worked in the lab of Dr. Kathryn McMenimen since September 2020, where they are performing a holistic screening of heat shock protein induction in response to tau aggregation in D. melanogaster in order to study how tauopathies disrupt the chaperone response.

As an Amgen Scholar at UCLA, Margot is working in the Bitan lab in the department of Neurology. This lab studies the abnormal self-association of proteins and their role in human diseases. Margot’s project focuses specifically on the role of brain-derived exosomes in the tau seeding process. Indeed, tauopathies are a major class of neurodegenerative diseases caused by the misfolding of tau protein. Interestingly, they do not progress randomly through the brain but rather via specific disease-dependent neural networks. It is believed that exosomes, a type of extracellular vesicle that play an integral role in cell-cell communication, can act as vehicles for the disease-associated proteins between cells in the central nervous system. As a result, Margot is using fluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry to investigate whether exosomes from different brain regions and cell types possess discrete tau seeding capabilities in order to gain a better understanding of the progression of these diseases.

Margot would like to thank the Bitan lab for their guidance and support, as well as the Amgen Foundation for providing them with this opportunity.

Cole Woulbroun
Home University: UCLA
Class: senior
Major: Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Volker Hartenstein

Cole is a rising senior at UCLA majoring in Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology.  He has worked in Dr. Volker Hartenstein’s lab since his junior year.  The Hartenstein Lab is primarily interested in central nervous system development in Drosophila melanogaster, but Cole’s project investigates the aging Drosophila blood-brain barrier (BBB).

The BBB of humans declines with age and is correlated with age-related onset of neurological diseases.  Furthermore, mammalian models have shown loss of BBB function as a contributing cause of such diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease.  Age-related changes to the Drosophila BBB are not understood, but if a decrease in function is observed, the plethora of genetic tools in Drosophila could identify causes of the decline, which may have homology to causes in mammals.  To determine whether a decrease in Drosophila BBB function occurs with age, Cole is investigating the permeability of the young adult and aged BBB using nanoinjected, intrahemolymph dextran.  A functional BBB is impermeable to dextran, but dysfunctional BBBs are not, allowing dextran permeability to indicate BBB function.  To better understand potential causes of any age-related loss of BBB function observed, Cole is performing immunofluorescence for septate junction proteins, which are responsible for the BBB’s impermeability, to gauge their expression levels. 

Cole would like to thank Dr. Volker Hartenstein, Amelia Hartenstein, and Dr. Ceazar Nave for the development of this project and their instruction on the protocols.  Cole also thanks the Amgen Foundation and Amgen Scholars Program at UCLA for this resourceful and engaging summer research opportunity.

Eva Zhao
Home University: UCLA
Class: junior
Major: Microbiology, Immunology & Molecular Genetics
Faculty Mentor: Dr. David Nathanson

Eva is a rising senior at the University of California, Los Angeles with a major in Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics and a minor in Biomedical Research. She has been a part of Dr. David Nathanson’s lab since October 2019. During her time there, she assisted in the development of a patient-derived glioma xenograft library and transitioned to developing novel potent, brain-penetrant drugs against glioblastoma.

Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most aggressive of primary tumors of the brain with a median survival time of less than fifteen months and no available cure, in part due to its extensive molecular heterogeneity. This heterogeneity makes it difficult to classify GBM into clinically relevant subtypes. However, recent studies have outlined a cell lineage-based stratification for GBM, in which a subtype of GBM may be dependent on human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2). Currently available HER2 inhibitors are unable to efficiently cross the blood brain barrier to inhibit brain tumors. Thus, the goal of Nathanson Lab is to produce a potent HER2 inhibitor that is also highly brain penetrant. To work towards this goal, Eva is characterizing drug potency and selectivity through IC50 assays and western blots in HER2-dependent cell lines, as well as brain penetrance through pharmacokinetics.

Eva would like to thank the members of the Nathanson Lab for their mentorship and supporting her growth as a scientist. She would also like to thank the Amgen Foundation and Biomedical Research Minor for their guidance and providing an opportunity to focus on her research.

Melissa Bu
Home University: UCLA
Class: junior
Major: Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Willy Hugo

Melissa is a rising fourth-year Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology major at UCLA and has worked at Dr. Willy Hugo’s lab since her sophomore year. The Hugo lab uses computational and wet lab techniques to study melanoma drug resistance to targeted therapies and cancer immunotherapies. Ultimately, the lab aims to uncover mechanisms of tumor resistance such that strategies to re-sensitize melanoma to therapies may be discovered.

Melissa is currently investigating melanoma metastasis to the liver, specifically the role played by the vitamin D pathway as informed by previous RNA Sequencing (RNASeq) analysis done by the lab. She spatially profiles the liver tumor microenvironment via CODEX multiplex immunofluorescence imaging to identify cell population(s) that respond to and/or secrete vitamin D pathway molecules. She also co-cultures 2D melanoma and 3D melanoma spheroids with hepatocytes and stromal cells to understand their migration, invasion, and fibrosis-forming capabilities in response to vitamin D pathway molecules. Finally, she investigates the effects of vitamin D pathway molecules on T cell killing of 3D melanoma spheroids and targeted therapy sensitivity. Concurrently, Melissa is collaborating with another student to analyze single cell RNASeq data from patients with melanoma treated with immunotherapies. They are using their analyses and literature review to propose a new bispecific antibody immunotherapy.

Melissa thanks the Hugo lab, particularly Drs. Willy Hugo, Qianyu Guo, for their steadfast teaching and guidance. She also thanks the Amgen Foundation for their generous support which has enabled her to focus on research throughout the summer.

Brandon Chew
Home University: University of California, Santa Cruz
Class: senior
Major: Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology; Anthropology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Paivi Pajukanta

Brandon is a senior studying epigenetic inheritance for Dr. Upasna Sharma at the University of California, Santa Cruz. There, his research focuses on the ribonucleases that cleave t-RNAs into t-RNA fragments (tRFs).

As an Amgen Scholar at UCLA, Brandon is conducting research under Dr. Paivi Pajukanta in the department of Human Genetics. His research for the summer leverages preadipocyte single cell data to find novel cell-type traits linked to cardiometabolic disorders. Adipose tissue is important for maintaining homeotic functions in a range of organisms. Once adipose tissue is formed, primarily from preadipocyte cells, the tissue can be modulated by environmental, social, political and commercial determinants of health, among other external factors. Notably, the development and persistence of metabolic disorders like obesity and dyslipidemia depends on the ability of adipose tissue to store fat effectively. While the differentiation of adipocytes from preadipocytes is well established, the perturbations of preadipocytes that lead to metabolic diseases is not well understood. The lab hopes to uncover novel cell-type-trait links to cardiometabolic diseases through single-cell RNA-seq analysis.

Brandon would like to thank the Amgen Scholars Program at UCLA for giving him the opportunity to mature as a scientist. He would also like to thank everyone in the Pajukanta Lab for their guidance.

David Chung
Home University: University of California, Los Angeles
Class: senior
Major: Applied Mathematics
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Carlos Portera-Cailliau

David recently graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), with a major in Applied Mathematics and a minor in Biomedical Research. He has been a part of Dr. Carlos Portera-Cailliau’s lab since April 2019, researching tactile defensiveness behaviors in mice with Fragile X Syndrome.

Fragile X syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder that often presents with atypical sensory processing and tactile defensiveness. Recently, the Portera-Cailliau Lab reported that the Fmr1 knockout (Fmr1-/-) mouse model exhibits similar avoidance responses to repetitive whisker stimulation. This is accompanied with a lack of adaptation of layer (L) 2/3 neurons in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) to repetitive whisker stimulation and a lower proportion of whisker-responsive neurons from postnatal day 15. Whisker-evoked activity in L2/3 of S1 is shaped by feedforward inhibition from GABAergic parvalbumin (PV) expressing interneurons, and these PV cells are hypofunctional in primary sensory cortices of Fmr1-/- mice. To test if PV cell hypoactivity is associated with tactile defensiveness, David is investigating the potential of a novel allosteric modulator of Kv3.1 channels to increase PV cell activity in Fmr1-/- mice. These represent the first preclinical studies in a mouse model of autism that investigate the pharmacological manipulation of PV cells to rescue avoidance behaviors.

David would like to thank the Portera-Cailliau lab and the Biomedical Research Minor for all the mentorship and guidance in helping him improve as a scientist, and would also like to thank the Amgen Foundation for providing the opportunity to focus on his research.

Myra Dada
Home University: University of Chicago
Class: junior
Major: Molecular Engineering
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Aaron Meyer

Myra is a rising senior at the University of Chicago majoring in Molecular Engineering with a specialization in Bioengineering. She recently joined Dr. Joshua Weinstein’s lab, where she is helping to develop DNA microscopy, an imaging technology that uses DNA rather than light as an imaging medium.

As a UCLA Amgen Scholar, Myra is working under Dr. Aaron Meyer in the Department of Bioengineering to apply machine learning techniques to traditional biological modeling problems. The mathematical modeling of gene regulatory networks is useful for a variety of clinical and research applications, but these network models are rarely formulated for large numbers of genes. The Meyer Lab is using machine learning rather than traditional numerical methods to solve network models at the genome scale. Myra’s goal this summer is to apply this method to data obtained from molecular intervention and profiling experiments, in which thousands of genes were knocked down and their transcriptional effects were measured. She will then quantify how similar the resulting network models are across cell lines to show that the technique produces a consistent map of gene regulatory interactions independent of cellular context.

Myra would like to thank the members of the Meyer Lab for providing her with this opportunity, as well as the Amgen Foundation for funding her research at UCLA this summer.

Audrey Fung
Home University: University of California, Irvine
Class: senior
Major: Microbiology & Immunology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Lili Yang

Audrey Fung graduated from the University of California, Irvine with a B.S. in Microbiology & Immunology. During her time as an undergraduate, she worked in the lab of Dr. Weian Zhao studying CAR-T cells and bispecific antibodies.

As an Amgen Scholar at UCLA, she is working in the lab of Dr. Lili Yang in the Department of Microbiology, Immunology & Molecular Genetics researching creatine as an energy source for T cells. Tumor-infiltrating T cells play a key role in anticancer immune responses, but the activation and maintenance of those responses are highly energy demanding. Low glucose availability and hypoxic conditions in the tumor microenvironment (TME) induce additional metabolic stress, limiting the T cell anticancer immune response. She is investigating whether creatine supplementation will enhance T cell antitumor activity via the creatine kinase/phosphocreatine/creatine (CK/PCr/Cr) system which uses creatine to store high energy phosphates from ATP to balance the supply and demand for energy in a cell.  She will be using mice implanted with ovarian cancer engineered to express luciferase to characterize the role of creatine supplementation alone or in combination with PD-1/PD-L1 blockade treatment.

Audrey would like to thank the Amgen Foundation and Amgen Scholars Program for the opportunity and the Yang Lab at UCLA for their mentorship and support.

Melody Gao
Home University: Western Washington University
Class: senior
Major: Biochemistry
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Stephanie Seidlits

Melody Gao graduated from Western Washington University in June of 2021 with a B.S. in Biochemistry. At Western, she worked as an undergraduate researcher in Dr. Jeanine Amacher’s lab investigating the selectivity and promiscuity of Class 1 PDZ domains, leading to a first author publication. Her most current project looks into substrate selectivity of Class A sortases, specifically at the beta 7-8 loop’s role in modulating substrate recognition.

As part of the UCLA’s Amgen Scholars program, Melody works in Dr. Stephanie Seidlits’s lab in the Department of Bioengineering. The Seidlits lab studies glioblastomas (GBM), a highly invasive and lethal brain cancer. Patients diagnosed with GBM survive a median of twelve months even with treatment due to the tumor’s ability to gain therapy resistance. The lab investigates how the tumor’s microenvironment, specifically the extracellular matrix, promotes drug resistance acquisition using bioengineered matrices as their model. These microenvironments are a better approximation of the native brain and provide a better platform for understanding how the environment affects tumor physiology.

Melody would like to thank Dr. Seidlits and her graduate student mentor Jesse Liang for supporting and mentoring her development as a scientist. Additionally, she would also like to thank the Amgen Foundation for providing this summer research opportunity at UCLA.

Madeline Goldfarb
Home University: Pitzer College
Class: senior
Major: Neuroscience
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Alicia Izquierdo

Madeline Goldfarb graduated with a degree in neuroscience from Pitzer College in 2021. While at Pitzer, Madeline conducted research in the Reward, Affect, and Decision-Making Lab and was interested in using EEG to study the neural correlates of reward processing.

As an Amgen Scholar at UCLA, Madeline is working in Dr. Alicia Izquierdo’s lab in the Department of Psychology. The Izquierdo Lab studies the mechanisms and neural substrates of flexible learning and reward-guided decision making, focusing on the aspects of cognitive flexibility that are disrupted in various neurological and psychiatric disorders. Madeline’s project surrounds implementing reinforcement learning models to capture the learning behavior of rodents completing a probabilistic reversal learning paradigm as a measure of cognitive flexibility. The project explores the importance of task modality in reversal learning paradigms by modeling spatial and stimulus-driven learning behavior. The models also support an investigation into the cortical contributions of various brain regions in task-specific reversal learning by expanding upon existing research using chemogenetic manipulations. Overall, understanding the mechanisms and neural substrates of reversal learning offers clinical significance with respect to intervening in disrupted cognitive flexibility.

Madeline would like to thank Dr. Alicia Izquierdo and Claudia Aguirre for their mentorship and support as well as the Amgen Foundation for providing this opportunity.

Sonya Lee
Home University: Williams College
Class: senior
Major: Chemistry
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Huiying Li

Sonya is a rising senior studying Chemistry at Williams College. At her home institution, Sonya studies the role of beta-lactamase in the development of drug resistance in bacteria under the guidance of Dr. Katie Hart. The Hart lab is interested in how mutations affect the protein’s structure, stability, and function with the hope of gaining new insight into evolution on a molecular level.

During her time at UCLA, Sonya is attempting to characterize the effects of probiotic Nissle E. coli treatment upon the canine gut microbiome. Nissle was one of the first bacterial strains to be used as a probiotic, and it has been observed to have immunomodulatory effects such as the suppression of immune-mediated damage and the upregulation of beneficial responses. Despite the relatively extensive characterization of the Nissle strain compared to other probiotics, greater study is needed to determine the mechanism by which Nissle impacts the microbiome. Sonya will perform 16S rRNA sequencing analysis with QIIME2 to determine the taxonomic composition of the gut microbiome of dogs treated with probiotic Nissle. Changes in the microbiome or species composition before and after probiotic treatment will be documented, and statistical analysis will be performed to measure the relative diversity of species between samples.

Sonya would like to thank the Li lab for their mentorship and would also like to thank the Amgen Foundation in support of her research at UCLA.

Joshua Morales
Home University: Whittier College
Class: senior
Major: Neurobiology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Elaine Hsiao

Joshua Morales is a graduated senior from Whittier College. There he worked in Dr. Valenzuela’s immunology lab where he investigated the effect of resveratrol, a natural plant-based compound found in red wine, when combined with cisplatin to see if the combined treatment had higher potential in killing Jurkat cells compared to cisplatin alone. He also worked in Dr. Christina Bauer’s immunology lab where he synthesized a new metallic organic framework compound made of imidazole and polyethylene, which had potential in replacing platinum as a catalyst in fuel cells.

As a UCLA Amgen Scholar, Joshua is working in Dr. Elaine Hsiao’s lab, which focuses on understanding the role that gut microbacteria Bacteriodes theta and Bacteroides ovatus play in short-chain fatty acid synthesis. Bacteriodes theta and Bacteroides ovatus each digest carbohydrates, levan and inulin, respectively. It is believed that the digestion of these carbohydrates is involved in a pathway responsible for short-chain fatty acid synthesis. In his experiment, Joshua focuses on creating knockout mutants of the rate-limiting enzyme in each pathway of each bacteria in the production of propionate and acetate, two important precursors for short-chain fatty acids. Creating such mutants can have a large impact in revealing if specific gut microbacteria play a role in contributing to obesity, which can lead to treatments preventing these bacteria from producing short-chain fatty acids.

Joshua would like to thank the Amegn Foundation, Dr. Elaine Hsiao as well as his mentor Kristie Yu for their guidance and support in fostering his growth as a scientist.

Claire Park
Home University: Smith College
Class: senior
Major: Chemistry
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Patrick Harran

Claire graduated with a B.A. in Chemistry from Smith College in 2021. As an undergraduate, she worked in the Shea Lab to develop an intramolecular Nicholas reaction for the synthesis of bioorthogonal click chemistry substrates.

At UCLA this summer, she is working in Dr. Patrick Harran’s lab to investigate molecular properties of cell-permeable macrocyclic compounds. Permeation of small, orally active drugs is traditionally estimated via Lipinski’s rule of 5 (Ro5) which primarily considers physicochemical factors. However, venturing outside the Ro5 chemical space would enhance opportunities to develop therapeutics against “difficult” targets such as proteases, GPCRs, and protein-protein interactions. Currently, a clear guideline to assess the passive permeability of macrocycles does not currently exist. The Harran Lab has recently converted their novel scaffolding methodology into a computational simulation, Composite Peptide Macrocycle Generator (CPMG), to construct a library of over 2 billion macrocycles. In order to selectively screen compounds, Claire will use Principal Component Analysis to identify promising trends based on previously untested, three-dimension features.

Claire would like to thank Dr. Patrick Harran and her student mentor, Ishika Saha, for their invaluable support, as well as the Amgen Foundation for this opportunity to conduct research at UCLA this summer. 

Hikari Tanaka
Home University: Vassar College
Class: senior
Major: Neuroscience and Behavior
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Amy Rowat

Hikari is a graduated senior from Vassar College who majored in Neuroscience and Behavior. There, Hikari was an undergraduate researcher in Dr. Lori Newman’s laboratory, which studies astrocyte metabolism via glutamate synthetase while rats are undergoing sustained attention tasks.

As an Amgen Scholar at UCLA, Hikari is working in the laboratory of Dr. Amy Rowat and under the mentorship of Kathleen Chen. Her project focuses on developing artificial meat, which is particularly salient as traditional meat production is detrimental to the environment and may be insufficient for a growing, global food demand. To construct palatable artificial meat, fat and adipocytes are necessary to mimic the flavor of cooked meat. Adipocytes must be differentiated and proliferated, and these cells depend on physical and mechanical properties of the matrix to direct their development. For the best study of adipocyte development, 3D culture models, such as cultures grown on microbeads, should be used yet little research exists on scalable, adipocyte cell cultures in 3D models. Hikari’s project studies how adipocytes differentiate and proliferate on polyacrylamide microbeads of different stiffnesses and hopes to identify an ideal stiffness for adipocyte growth. This research is invaluable for optimizing scalable adipocyte development to construct palatable artificial meat with fat.

Hikari would like to thank the Amgen Scholars program at UCLA for this opportunity, and Dr. Amy Rowat and Kathleen Chen for their patience and dedication to providing guidance, despite conducting her research remotely.

Julia Zhou
Home University: University of California, San Diego
Class: senior
Major: Chemical Engineering
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Andrea Hevener

As a chemical engineer in the nanoengineering department at UCSD, Julia participated in research at the interface between nanotechnology and medicine. Especially, the extraordinary power of novel therapeutics to control the outcome of disease immediately captured her interest. At the same time, it is her goal to also obtain a comprehensive understanding of underlying disease pathophysiology on the path to solving modern medicine’s most pressing dilemmas.

Under Dr. Andrea Hevener at UCLA, Julia is contributing to advances on our fundamental understanding of metabolism and metabolic disease. The most common metabolic disorders seen in the U.S. include type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and liver cancers, among others, and are further linked by a common theme of excessive adipose tissue. The literature has shown estrogen receptor α to inversely associate with adiposity and positively correlate with a reduction in metabolic dysfunction. Thus, ESR1/Esr1, the gene that encodes Erα, is likewise positively implicated in counteraction against metabolic dysfunction and obesity. To elucidate the role of Esr1 in this counteraction, Julia is exploring genetically engineered murine models that which selectively knock out or conditionally overexpress Erα in adipose tissues. With Dr. Hevener’s group, she is evaluating the impact of Erα expression in adipose tissue on metabolic health by examining adipocyte size and function assessed through cellular mitochondrial form and oxidative capacity and RNA sequencing performed on adipose tissue samples for gene and protein expression profiles in support of metabolic health.

Julia thanks the Amgen foundation and the Hevener group for this research opportunity.

Luke Elissiry
Home University: UCLA
Class: junior
Major: Chemistry with Computing Specialization
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Chong Liu

Luke Elissiry is a rising junior at UCLA studying Chemistry with a specialization in Computing. He has been working in Professor Chong Liu’s lab since March 2018, developing a replacement for traditional fertilizers utilizing symbiotic, nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

The detrimental effects of traditional fertilizers, such as eutrophication and groundwater contamination, as well as rising global food demand, require environmentally sustainable fertilizer alternatives. A select subset of bacteria is able to fix nitrogen for their host plants, making bacterial inoculation of plants a promising fertilizer replacement. However, the method of inoculant delivery must be compatible with existing agricultural techniques while maintaining viability and providing protection to the bacteria. Luke is investigating the use of a silica matrix to encapsulate a nitrogen-fixing bacterium, Sinorhizobium meliloti. The bacteria and silica precursors are combined in solution before being sprayed onto seeds as microbead droplets, which solidify within several minutes through the sol-gel process. This novel technique of inoculant application aims to maintain long-term viability of the microbes during storage and inoculant delivery. This research will contribute to the advancement of microbe carriers and offers a promising pathway to environmentally friendly agricultural practices.

After completion of his undergraduate degree, Luke plans to pursue a Ph.D. in chemistry. Luke would like to thank the Amgen Foundation for the generous opportunity to advance his scientific career, the Undergraduate Research Center – Sciences for supporting his growth as a scientific researcher, and Professor Chong Liu and his lab for their invaluable mentorship.

Sarah Furman
Home University: Rowan University
Class: junior
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jeff Abramson

Sarah is a rising junior majoring in biomedical engineering at Rowan University in Glassboro, New Jersey. There she works as an undergraduate researcher in a lab studying mesenchymal stem cell differentiation due to micro-environmental controls.

As an Amgen Scholar, she is working in the laboratory of Dr. Jeff Abramson in the department of physiology. Her project in this lab focuses on creating a biochemical assay to monitor the breakdown of diacetyl during fermentation. To create fermented beverages, such as beers and ales, yeast undergoes fermentation. A key process in this fermentation is the breakdown of glucose, which creates byproducts that are unnecessary for fermentation. One of these such products is diacetyl, or 2,3 butanediol. Not only is this product unnecessary, it creates a butter like flavor that is unwanted in most beverages. To continue fermentation, brewers must wait for the diacetyl to be further broken down by an enzyme called butanediol dehydrogenase. Larger companies can use mass spectrometry to determine when diacetyl levels are low, but many brewers do not have access to this high end machinery. To combat this, Sarah is working to create a colorimetric assay using his-tagged butanediol dehydrogenase to determine when enough diacetyl has been converted to allow continuation of the brewing process.

Sarah would like to thank the Amgen Scholars program at UCLA for this opportunity as well as Dr. Jeff Abramson and her student mentor Kristopher Gonzalez-Dewitt for their support and assistance in broadening her research career.

Jessica Kahng
Home University: Bryn Mawr College
Class: senior
Major: Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Samantha Butler

Jessica Kahng is a rising senior, majoring in Biology and minoring in Neuroscience at Bryn Mawr College. There she works in the Greif Lab, researching the role of the calcium-sensor protein, synaptotagmin-1, in terms of axonal branching during development.

As an Amgen Scholar at UCLA, Jessica is working in the laboratory of Dr. Samantha Butler and under the mentorship of Sandy Alvarez. She is researching the guidance factor, netrin1, and its role in commissural axons growth during spinal cord development in chicken and mouse embryos. The Butler Lab’s previous research established a novel model for netrin1 in which netrin1 derived from the ventricular zone is responsible for guiding commissural neurons ventrally to and across the midline during development. In addition, this model proposes that netrin1 works in a local manner through haptotaxis, or growth directed along an adhesive surface, with netrin1 working as an adhesive guidance cue. Netrin1 has continued to be researched in the lab, and recent findings have indicated the possibility of netrin1 existing in various cleaved forms, or isoforms, in the spinal cord during development; an existence that has not been documented previously. Jessica’s project therefore focuses on identifying and characterizing netrin1 isoforms in the developing spinal cord of chicken and mice by dissecting out spinal cords from various embryonic stages and processing them using Western Blot Analysis.

Jessica would like to thank the members of the Butler Laboratory for their guidance and the Amgen Foundation for providing such an invaluable research opportunity.

Daniel Kojis
Home University: University of Wisconsin, Madison
Class: senior
Major: Statistics
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Christina Ramirez

Daniel Kojis is a rising senior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison double majoring in Statistics and Political Science. As an Amgen Scholar, he is working in the Department of Biostatistics with Dr. Christina Ramirez as they conduct machine learning research.

Machine learning is widely used in medical settings for both prediction and discovering relevant factors. Their research focuses on extending a current machine learning method, random forests, to better incorporate longitudinal data and handle a high number of correlated variables. They expect to develop a new algorithm that will allow for better variable selection and prediction. Among other practical applications, this method could be used to predict if an individual will develop a disease, to determine the contributing factors of surgery outcomes, or to predict drug responses on medical patients.

Daniel would like to thank the Amgen foundation and his mentor Christina Ramirez for supporting his growth as a researcher.

Christy Luong
Home University: UCLA
Class: senior
Major: Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kathrin Plath

Christy is a rising senior at UCLA majoring in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology with a minor in Biomedical Research. Christy has been an undergraduate researcher in Dr. Kathrin Plath’s lab since fall quarter of freshman year. Christy’s research aims to investigate the mechanism by which Xist RNA transcriptionally silences the X-chromosome through super resolution imaging.

X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) occurs in female mammals to compensate for dosage difference of X-linked genes between sexes. During embryonic development both X-chromosomes are active and XCI is induced upon differentiation. Xist RNA is a long non-coding RNA that spreads in cis as a ‘cloud’ on one of the two X-chromosomes and mediates silencing. Super resolution microscopy (SRM) revealed approximately 100 distinct granules on the inactive X-chromosome (Xi). To elucidate the dynamic behavior of Xist in living cells, Christy utilizes an MS2-MS2 Coat Protein (MCP) phage system to indirect label Xist RNA with a fluorescent protein fusion. The distributions of Xist granules are observed by live-cell SRM imaging and their trajectories are monitored with single particle tracking analysis. Furthermore, to gain a better insight on the mechanism behind Xist stabilization and maintenance, RNA binding proteins (RBPs) known to interact with Xist are fused with fluorescent protein tags in order to observe the kinetics of these proteins in photo-bleaching experiments. By studying Xist RNA, Christy is hoping to better understand the role of long non-coding RNAs in epigenetics.

Christy would like to thank the Plath lab, Amgen Foundation, and the Biomedical Research minor for investing time, effort, and money into her growth as a future researcher.

Heather Romero Mercieca
Home University: University of California, Irvine
Class: senior
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Aaron Meyer

Heather is a rising senior at the University of California, Irvine. Heather spends her extra time involved in the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers and Ballet Folklorico de UCI. She is passionate about bringing STEM opportunities to her community, the latinx community. At UCLA this summer, she is researching cytokines which are a type of cell signaling protein that are secreted from one cell and recognized by another to regulate immune response. The IL-2 cytokine family is of particular importance as engineered variants of IL-2 could help treat immune diseases such as cancer. Our objective is to analyze protein abundance data, specifically of the three IL-2 receptor components present on the cell surface of different immune cell lines, to understand how each protein influences the activity of the cell. At different time points, the activity and receptors were quantified using flow cytometry — the former by looking at pSTAT5 presence in the cell. IL-2 binds to IL-2R and triggers the signaling pathway which leads to the output of pSTAT5. The high-throughput flow cytometry data was taken for visualization and analysis in Python using the package FlowCytometryTools. Data analysis is used to find relations between receptor components across IL-2 variants such as IL-15. Machine learning could be applied to look for patterns such as multivariate predictors of IL-2 response, or how the relationship between IL-2R components and response changes with IL-2 dose or time.

Nicholas Page
Home University: Rutgers-New Brunswick
Class: senior
Major: Cell Biology and Neuroscience with minor in Computer Science
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Michael Gandal (shown) and Dr. Daniel Geschwind

Nick is a rising senior studying Cell Biology and Neuroscience at Rutgers-New Brunswick. At his home institution, Nick studies the role of RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) and post-transcriptional regulation in the development of the neocortex under the guidance of Dr. Mladen-Roko Rasin. His work has uncovered the isoform and cell-type specific effects of the RBP HuD on cell-fate in the neocortex.

During his time at UCLA, Nick is studying gene expression in the brains of mice and monkeys exposed to maternal immune activation (MIA) during in utero development. Large epidemiological studies have shown that an infection during pregnancy can lead to increased risk for schizophrenia and autism, therefore studying the molecular mechanism through which MIA effects brain development is crucial to understanding the cause of these diseases. Nick will analyze two large RNA-seq datasets from both adult mice and monkeys to understand the long-term effects of in utero MIA on brain development and to uncover the gene expression changes that underlie the behavioral changes seen in these model organisms.

Nick would like to the Gandal and Geschwind labs for mentoring him, and would also like to thank the Amgen Foundation and the Autism Science Foundation for funding his research at UCLA this summer.

Arjun Ramachandran
Home University: St. Olaf College
Class: senior
Major: Biology and Neuroscience
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Felix Schweizer

Arjun Ramachandran is a senior Biology major with a Neuroscience concentration at St. Olaf College where he studies head direction cells and neural mechanisms for spatial navigation with Dr. Gary Muir. The Muir lab is interested in developing an affordable, open-source microdrive array for chronic in vivo recordings of head direction cells.

At UCLA, Arjun works in Dr. Felix Schweizer’s lab in the Department of Neurobiology studying environmental factors responsible for increasing the risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease. In particular, the Schweizer lab is studying ziram – an agricultural pesticide – which modulates synaptic transmission by directly inhibiting E1 Ligase, the first enzyme in the ubiquitin signaling system (USS). The USS plays a crucial role in modulating synaptic transmission through post-translational modifications (PTMs) of pre-synaptic proteins. Specifically, vesicle associated membrane protein (VAMP2) – a SNARE protein that mediates vesicle fusion with the plasma membrane – is of interest: two of its lysine-residues are ubiquitinated and the PTMs are disrupted by ziram. We are now testing the role of ziram on synaptic transmission by substituting the wild-type VAMP2 with a mutant version of VAMP2 where the two crucial lysine residues have been replaced with arginine residues. We hypothesize that neurons with the mutant VAMP2 will be less sensitive to the action of ziram than the wild-type VAMP2 will be.

Arjun would like to thank the Amgen Scholars Program for the opportunity and the Schwiezer lab for its guidance.

Hsuan-Te (Miriam) Sun
Home University: California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
Class: senior
Major: Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jau-Nian Chen

Miriam is a rising senior at the California Institute of Technology majoring in Biology. At Caltech, she works in the Stathopoulos lab studying the dynamics of cell migration using the Drosophila model system.

As part of the UCLA Amgen Scholars program, Miriam is working in Dr. Jau-Nian Chen’s lab in the department of Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology. The Chen lab uses the zebrafish model to study the genetic, molecular, and cellular bases of the cardiovascular system during normal development and in diseases. Miriam’s project focuses on determining the role of mitochondrial regulation in proper cardiac development. She will be taking super-resolution images of mitochondrial colocalization with the cardiomyocyte network, as well as analyzing the phenotypes of various mitochondrial transport protein mutants. Previous research in the lab revealed the functional defects of cardiac myopathy and arrhythmia in certain mutant lines, and Miriam will be now doing structural immunohistochemical analysis of the adult zebrafish hearts as well as RNA-Seq transcriptomic analysis of day 5 embryo hearts, when the first signs of cardiac dysfunction appear. Following up on all of these angles will hopefully help fill in the gaps of knowledge about the conserved mitochondrial effect on heart development, possibly leading to applications for the prevention and treatment of congenital heart diseases in humans.

Miriam would like to thank the Amgen Foundation for making the Amgen Scholars program at UCLA possible. In addition, she thanks Dr. Chen and Adam Langenbacher for supporting her growth as a researcher.

Abby Thurm
Home University: UCLA
Class: senior
Major: Biochemistry
Faculty Mentor: Dr. William Gelbart

Abby is a rising fourth-year biochemistry at UCLA and has worked for Dr. William Gelbart since her freshman year. The lab researches primarily physical virology, aiming to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms behind viral self-assembly and disassembly. In recent years, they have begun trying to harness these properties for pharmaceutical applications as well as capitalizing on the use of self-amplifying viral genomes as therapeutics.

Abby’s current project aims to develop an antiviral therapy against yellow fever virus via the use of defective-interfering RNA. She creates defective truncates of the yellow fever genome, replicable by viral proteins synthesized by infected cells, and delivers them to cells so that they will sequester cellular and viral resources. The full-length yellow fever then cannot replicate and package at as high a rate, and infection will die off as the viral proteins cease to be made and only the shorter, harmless truncates are replicated. Previously, Abby has studied the effects of RNA secondary structure on viral assembly and hopes to use this knowledge to package and deliver her successful antiviral candidates.

Abby would like to thank Drs. William Gelbart and Charles Knobler for their constant support of her work, and the Amgen Foundation for allowing her the opportunity to focus on research for the summer.

Annabel Vernon
Home University: Scripps College
Class: senior
Major: Biochemistry
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Steven Clarke

Annabel is a rising senior at Scripps College majoring in biochemistry. At her home institution, she works in Dr. Emily Wiley’s lab studying H3 histone clipping in T. thermophila. Her research includes exploring the purpose of this clipping as well as identifying and characterizing the protease implicated in this process.

As a part of UCLA’s Amgen Scholars Program, Annabel is working in Dr. Steven Clarke’s lab in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. The Clarke lab focuses on understanding a group of nine enzymes called protein arginine methyltransferases (PRMT1-9). The enzyme PRMT7 transfers one methyl group from the cofactor S-adenosylmethionine to a target arginine residue to form monomethylarginine. PRMT7 is implicated in processes including transcriptional regulation, stem cell pluripotency, and DNA repair. While PRMT7’s substrates have not been established in vivo, histones H2B and H4 have been identified as such in vitro. Interestingly, PRMT7 is inhibited by salt concentrations typically found in cells. Annabel’s project focuses on testing the inhibition of PRMT7 by a variety of physiologically relevant salts and confirming whether human PRMT7 interacts directly with zinc as mouse PRMT7 is known to do. Gaining a better understanding of how human PRMT7 interacts with its surroundings will help identify the ions PRMT7 may be regulated by in vivo.

Annabel would like to thank the Amgen Foundation for this amazing opportunity as well as the Clarke Lab for guiding her along the way to becoming a better researcher and scientist.

Shelby Vexler
Home University: UCSB
Class: senior
Major: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Douglas Black

Shelby Vexler is a rising fourth year at UC Santa Barbara majoring in Biochemistry and Molecular. Since spring of 2017, she has been working in Dr. Deborah Fygenson’s lab in UCSB’s Physics Department. There, she helps optimize DNA origami devices that can take dynamic measurements of the bend angles induced in double stranded DNA by proteins.

As a UCLA Amgen Scholar, Shelby is working in Dr. Douglas Black’s lab, which focuses on understanding how pre-mRNA splicing is regulated. The U2 snRNP is one of the main small nuclear riboproteins that mediates the assembly of the spliceosome, which catalyzes the splicing of the pre-mRNA. However, it is difficult to purify native U2 from high molecular weight extracts. This summer, she is working on purifying an antibody for the U2 protein SF3A3 that can be used to purify U2 from a variety of native human and mouse tissues. Once purified U2 is obtained, the pre-mRNA bound to the U2 snRNP can be obtained and sequenced, determining where the U2 protein is interacting across the transcriptome.

Shelby would like to thank the Amgen Foundation for providing this opportunity at UCLA. Additionally, she would like to thank her mentors in the Black Lab for their support of her summer research.

Shinya Wai
Home University: University of California, San Diego
Class: senior
Major: NanoEngineering
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Andrea Kasko

Shinya is a rising senior at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) majoring in NanoEngineering and minoring in Chemistry. At UCSD, he works in Dr. Nisarg Shah’s lab. The lab is interested in synthesizing biomaterials for immunomodulation and cellular engineering. At the Shah lab, Shinya is working on testing the effects of specific proteins on T cells and using the in vitro experimental results to synthesize protein conjugated biopolymers for alleviating and possibly curing autoimmune arthritis.

As a UCLA Amgen Scholar, Shinya is working in Dr. Andrea Kasko’s lab in the Department of Bioengineering where he works on the synthesis of polymeric tobacco tar mimics for testing the role of the innate immune system in tobacco related diseases. Recent findings have shown that receptors in the innate immune system can recognize complexes formed between DNA and cationic molecules. The innate immune response varies based on inter-ligand spacing and the number of repeating ligands. Furthermore, there is extensive correlational evidence that suggest that cigarette smoke can cause the dysregulation of the immune system. Preliminary studies have revealed several alkaloids in cigarette smoke that, if polymerized, can theoretically complex with DNA and interact with receptors in the innate immune system. Shinya’s work is based on the hypothesis that tobacco tar can form pro-inflammatory complexes with DNA to exacerbate certain autoimmune diseases.

Shinya would like to thank the Amgen Foundation, Professor Kasko, Brooke Jackson, and Shouzheng Yue for their guidance and support.

Daniel Yong
Home University: University of Chicago
Class: junior
Major: Biological Sciences
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Thomas Graeber

Daniel is a rising third-year at the University of Chicago majoring in biological sciences. At UChicago, he is an undergraduate researcher in Dr. Erin Adams’ lab, where he investigates molecular immune system interactions from a structural standpoint.

At UCLA, Daniel is conducting research under Dr. Thomas Graeber in the Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology. His research this summer intends to identify key genes that promote chromosomal instability. Chromosomal instability, alongside aneuploidy, is a highly common characteristic of cancer that is predictive of poor patient outcomes. These chromosomal abnormalities are believed to be linked to whole genome duplication, a distinct event where the entire genome is duplicated. To achieve this project’s goals, genotoxic small molecule drug treatment will be used to induce polyploidy in a colorectal cancer cell line. Transduction of a CRISPR construct and barcode library and a subsequent knockout screen will be used prior to flow cytometry to sort cells into high chromosomal instability and low chromosomal instability populations. These cell populations will then be sequenced to identify which barcodes are enriched and de-enriched, which will help identify key genes leading to chromosomal instability.

Daniel would like to thank the Amgen Foundation, Dr. Thomas Graeber, his postdoctoral mentor Nikolas Balanis, and the rest of the Graeber Lab for supporting, mentoring, and encouraging his development as a scientist.

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