- The application for 2025-2026 will be open from May 12, 2025 through June 16, 2025.
- The online application can be accessed as a Survey on MyUCLA under the “Campus Life” tab.
- The online application may be started in advance using the prompts below. All application materials are due by 11:59 PM. Online applications still in progress at this time cannot be submitted.
- Incomplete and late applications will not be accepted.
A complete application consists of the online MyUCLA application and one letter of recommendation submitted by the applicant’s UCLA Faculty Research Mentor. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure all materials are complete and submitted on time.
Do not use special typeface formatting such as italics, boldface, underlining, superscripts, or subscripts. Do not use special paragraph formatting such numbered/bulleted/multilevel lists. The online application system does not support this special formatting and will convert everything to plain text after submission. You may use symbols such as Greek letters.
- Previous Research Statement – briefly summarize your previous research experience. Include your research mentor/advisor, the length of your involvement, a brief summary of your work, and, if applicable, any course credit you received. 100-1500 characters, including spaces.
- Research Proposal
- Project Title – provide a descriptive title for your research project. 100 character limit, including spaces.
- Proposal – describe the research project that you plan to conduct during the 2025-2026 academic year. Include an introduction, hypothesis, materials and methods, and expected results. Include a timeline for the project and what you generally plan to complete in each quarter. Please use the five section headers below. 500-3500 characters, including spaces.
- Introduction – provide sufficient background such that a scientifically-literate reader can understand and appreciate the work being described
- Hypothesis – describe the questions you will be addressing or that your project will test
- Materials and Methods – describe the tasks you will be performing, including laboratory techniques and equipment you will be learning and applying to address your hypothesis. Explain the type of data you will be collecting, if applicable
- Expected Results – explain the predicted outcome based on your hypothesis and methods
- Timeline – include a timeline for the project and what you generally plan to complete in each quarter
- Literature References (optional) – list any literature references you cited in your proposal. 1500 characters max, including spaces. You may format your in-text citations in the manner that is most appropriate for your discipline (e.g. numeric, author-date, etc.)
One letter of recommendation must be written and submitted by your UCLA Faculty Research Mentor to the following email address:
*NOTE: Faculty Research Mentors will not receive an automated invitation to submit a letter of recommendation. Faculty should email their letters to the address above by the application deadline.
- Letters should be addressed to: Dr. Adriana Galván, Dean of Undergraduate Education
- Subject Line: URSP Letter of Recommendation for [Applicant Last Name, Applicant First Name]
- PDF files only
- File name: [Applicant Last Name, Applicant First Name] – URSP LOR.pdf
- Written on an official letterhead
- 2 pages maximum