The URC-Sciences Summer Program is a 10-week opportunity for UCLA undergraduates to undertake research with a UCLA faculty and receive professional development through workshops and seminars. For summer 2024, the program will be held in person and run from June 23, 2025- August 29, 2025. Students undertaking research with a UCLA faculty are eligible. Part-time scholarships will be offered to students enrolling in summer school in addition to full-time scholarships.


  • Be a UCLA student in good standing with a GPA of 3.0 or above (in the previous quarter and overall)
  • Have a faculty research mentor for the summer and must have completed all required trainings for your laboratory*
  • Not be currently receiving other summer funding of any type for work done in the laboratory (e.g. work study)
  • Some awards require interest in pursuing a PhD or dual degree that includes a PhD (e.g. MD/PhD, DVM/PhD, DDS/PhD)
  • We encourage all students that meet the above criteria to apply, including
    • students with AB 540, DACA, or other undocumented status
    • students from an educationally or socio-economically disadvantaged background
    • students of African, Hispanic, Native American, or Native Pacific Islander descent
    • have a registered disability

*If you have not done research at UCLA, you should attend a Student Research Program (SRP) workshop. The workshops cover how to find a research mentor. Students should have a faculty mentor and be doing research in a lab by the start of spring quarter in order to be best prepared for the URC-Sciences Summer Program.


  • Must be able to complete the entire 10-week program (approximately 40 hours per week of research).
  • OR must be enrolled in summer classes and able to complete the entire 12-week program (approximately 10 hours per week of research).
  • Attend all required workshops, seminars, and social events, for summer 2024and complete all assignments (Full-Time participants only)
  • Give a research presentation (either an oral or poster presentation) at the end of the program (Part-time participants will submit abstract at the end of Summer session c, presentation optional).
  • Complete a post-program survey


  • Full-time program participants can receive a stipend of up to $6000 over 10 weeks.
  • Part-time program participants can receive a stipend of up to $2000 
  • Your application to the URC-Sciences Summer Program will be considered for the following scholarships to support your summer research experience:
    • CAMP (California Alliance for Minority Participation) funded by the National Science Foundation
    • Private donations (multiple donor sources)
    • Important Financial Aid Implications: If you are receiving financial aid for summer, your package may be adjusted so you do not exceed your financial need or cost of attendance. Check with the Financial Aid Office to see if you can accept this scholarship. Applicants do not need to qualify for or be receiving financial aid to be eligible for the URC-Sci Summer scholarship.
  • Eligibility for this program is constrained by the availability of funds of each funding source listed above and their associated eligibility restrictions. Upon acceptance, you will be contacted by the individual scholarship with an offer.


  • Application period for Summer 2025: January 15, 2025 – March 3, 2025


URC-Sciences Summer Program
Phone: 310-206-2182
Email: urcscisummer@college.ucla.edu