- The application is now open through October 14, 2024.
- The application can be accessed as a Survey on MyUCLA under the “Campus Life” tab.
A complete application consists of:
- The online application, submitted by the applicant on MyUCLA
- One letter of recommendation & recommendation form, submitted by the applicant’s Faculty Research Mentor (instructions below)
Do not use special typeface formatting such as italics, boldface, underlining, superscripts, or subscripts. Do not use special paragraph formatting such numbered/bulleted/multilevel lists. The online application system does not support this special formatting and will convert everything to plain text after submission. You may use symbols such as Greek letters.
- Background Information – 1500 characters max, including spaces, for each entry.
- List honors, awards, prizes, and recognition you have received within the last 3 years. Indicate dates and institutions.
- List extracurricular and community activities you have participated in within the last 3 years. Provide dates and duration.
- List any scientific papers and abstracts that you have authored, co-authored, or contributed to. Indicate complete citation: authors, title, year, journal, vol., pages.
- Personal Statement – Briefly describe your academic and career goals and how participating in the i2URP will contribute to your achievement of those goals. 3000 characters max, including spaces.
- Previous Research Statement – briefly summarize your previous research experience(s). Include the aims of the project and your specific role and contributions to it. 1500 characters max, including spaces.
- Research Proposal:
- Title – Provide a descriptive title for your proposed research project. 100 characters max, including spaces.
- Proposal – Describe the proposed research project that you will undertake with your Faculty Research Mentor. 3500 characters max, including spaces. You should include the following sections:
- Introduction and Significance – Provide enough information for a scientifically-literate reader to understand the purpose of your research, including any hypothesis being tested.
- Research Plan – Describe your specific aims, experimental design, and the types of data you will be collecting and analyzing.
- References (optional) – Cite any literature referenced in your proposal. 2000 characters max, including spaces.
1 Letter of Recommendation and Applicant Evaluation Form Form are required. All recommendation materials must be submitted by the applicant’s Faculty Research Mentor/PI to by the application deadline.
Applicant Evaluation Form Instructions: Click here to download the Applicant Evaluation Form. Applicants complete the top section of the form and send to their Faculty Research Mentor to complete the bottom section and to submit.
Letter of Recommendation Instructions: Compose a letter of support for your applicant. In your letter, indicate how long you have known the applicant and in what capacity. Write candidly about the applicant’s qualifications for this program and about their potential for research and academic success. In describing the applicant, address attributes such as motivation, intellect, maturity, curiosity, strengths, and weaknesses. 2 pages max with an official letterhead. Submit as a PDF file.