Saha Wu (2018 Cohort) Leads FAST, Local Outreach Program

Learn about FAST (Future Advancers of Science and Technology) an outreach program to local schools lead by Saha Wu (2018 cohort), a Psychology graduate student at Stanford University.

Arya Okten (2018 cohort) Publishes “Mathematical Investigations of Dr. O and Arya”.

2018 Scholar, Arya Okten, has published a book with her father called “Mathematical Investigations of Dr. O and Arya”.  Watch a video of them discussing their book

Katherine Morillo (2017 cohort) Wins the 2022 HHMI Gilliam Fellowship

Congratulations to 2017 Scholar, Katherine Morillo, for winning the 2022  HHMI Gilliam Fellowship.

Dr. Bryan Goldsmith (2009 cohort) Shares His Experiences in Science

Dr. Bryan Goldsmith, Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan and UCLA 2009 cohort member, shares his experiences about belonging in science:

Dr. Goldsmith is also leading a new project to improve fertilizer production and reduce CO2 emissions.  Read a new article about this exciting project here:

Dr. Heather Derry-Vick (2009 cohort) joined the Center for Discovery and Innovation

Dr. Heather Derry-Vick joined the Center for Discovery and Innovation as a Research Faculty at Hackensack Meridian Health.  Dr. Derry-Vick’s laboratory examines how stress and depression interact with health conditions such as cancer. See her lab site here:

Dr. Ni Feng (2007 cohort) Becomes Assistant Professor at Wesleyan University

Our newest faculty member from the 2007 cohort! As of January 2023, Dr. Ni Feng is a new Assistant Professor of Biology at Wesleyan University studying the neurobiology, behavior and physiology of hibernation.  Visit her lab site at:

Palak Jariwala

Congratulations to Palak Jariwala for receiving the Graduate Research Fellowships Program (GRFP) Award from the National Science Foundation (NSF)!

A former member of the Undergraduate Research Fellows Program (URFP), Palak received the award for research titled: “Designing a Thermally Switchable Dielectric with a Metal-Organic Framework”. Palak plans to attend Columbia University to pursue a PhD in Materials Chemistry.

Lauren Tan

Congratulations to Lauren Tan for receiving the Graduate Research Fellowships Program (GRFP) Award from the National Science Foundation (NSF)!

A former member of the Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (URSP), Lauren received the award for research titled: “Understanding the Growth Mechanisms of Mercury Chalcogenide Nanoplatelet-Quantum Dot Heterostructures”. Lauren plans to attend Caltech to pursue a PhD in Physical Chemistry.