Are headings required in the research proposal?
No, headings are not required. You can format your submission as one cohesive body of text as long as you address all research prompts.
How can I list references in my research proposal?
Due to the character limit, we recommend using numerical in-text citations (e.g. “(1)”). There is a separate, optional section to list literature references.
Can I include a link to additional information in my application responses?
No, your application will only be evaluated based on the response within the character limits. Do not include any links to external resources.
Who is evaluating my application?
Your application will be assigned to a UCLA-affiliated PhD-level reviewer whose area of research is closely related to your proposed research project. Each application is evaluated by multiple reviewers.
I am working on two different research projects. Can I submit two applications to the URSP?
No, each student may only submit one application.
How many letters of recommendation can be submitted to support my application?
Only one letter of recommendation may be submitted for your application. It must be written and submitted by your UCLA Faculty Research Mentor.
Can I request an extension to submit my application after the deadline?
No, all materials must be submitted by the application deadline. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
What is the acceptance rate?
We do not publish this information because the volume of applications and scholarship funding varies year to year.
Can I edit my application after I submit it?
To make any changes to your application, you must email the URSP Program Representative before the application deadline. Submitted applications can be “returned” to the applicant for edits and revisions.
The online application automatically closes at the deadline. No changes can be made after the application deadline.
How can I confirm my application materials were received?
Confirmation emails will be emailed after the application deadline. To confirm the online application or letter of recommendation have been received before the application deadline, email the URSP Program Representative.
Can I submit application materials via email?
No, all application responses must be submitted through the MyUCLA Survey system. We cannot accept any emailed application responses.
Letters of recommendation must be emailed by the recommender to Applicants cannot submit their own letter of recommendation.
What happens if I leave the program early?
If you do not complete the full three-quarter program, your full scholarship may be recalled.
I am conducting research and enrolling in a research course before the program begins. Can I count this time to fulfill the program requirements?
No, all requirements must be completed during the duration of the program.
Can I present at my department’s research symposium or conference, instead of presenting at Research Poster Day?
No, presenting at a different research symposium or conference cannot be substituted for presenting at the Undergraduate Research & Creativity Showcase.
Will changing my major after I start the program have any impact on my standing in the program?
No, changing your major will have no impact on your standing in the program.
How will my scholarship be paid to me?
Scholarship payments are disbursed through UCLA Financial Aid and Scholarships directly to students’ quarterly BruinBill.