When are SRP-99 contracts due?
Signed contracts are due by 5:00 PM on Friday of Week 2 each quarter. For summer, contracts are due at 5:00 PM on Friday of Week 2 of the session you are enrolling in (A or C).
Can I enroll in more than one SRP-99 course?
No, students may enroll in only one SRP-99 course each quarter.
If you are working with two different faculty on different projects and want to receive course credit for both, consider enrolling in an SRP-99 course with one faculty and in an upper division tutorial course (196, 198, or 199) with the other.
During summer, students may only enroll in one session (Session A or C).
When can I create an SRP-99 contract?
Contracts can be created as soon as enrollment opens. If you are creating a contract for a future quarter, make sure you select the correct quarter you want to enroll in SRP-99. We recommend creating SRP-99 contracts early to ensure you have adequate time to receive your Faculty Research Mentor’s signature before the enrollment deadline.
Students will need a full-time status (12 credits) during time of enrollment into an SRP-99 course. Because of this, we will not be able to process enrollments until your second pass for the quarter has begun (unless your priority group has been approved for more units). You can find when your enrollment appointments begin here: UCLA Registrar’s Office Enrollment Appointments.
I cannot find my Faculty Research Mentor on the list of available SRP mentors on MyUCLA. What can I do?
If you cannot find your Faculty Research Mentor on the list when creating your SRP-99 contract, follow these steps:
- Ensure you are searching for your mentor under the correct department. You should select the department that your Faculty Mentor has an appointment in, not your major’s home department (if they are different).
- Ensure you are spelling your Mentor’s name correctly.
- Contact the URC-Sciences’ Office (by email or phone) for further assistance. Your Faculty may not have sponsored an SRP-99 course before and they may not be in the SRP Faculty Mentor Database. If you know your Faculty has not participated in SRP-99 before, refer them to this resources page.
My Faculty Research Mentor cannot sign my SRP-99 contract before the enrollment deadline. What can I do?
We strongly encourage students to create their SRP-99 contracts as early as possible so Faculty have enough time to sign it before the enrollment deadline.
If you Faculty cannot sign the contract in time, contact the URC-Sciences’ Office for further assistance.
Can I change my units after the quarter has started?
Undergraduate students can change units on variable-unit classes using MyUCLA with no fee during the first two weeks of the term. In weeks three and four, a per-class change fee is assessed. After week four, students are charged a per-class change fee plus a per-class penalty fee. After week four, College or school approval is required to make changes.
How many SRP-99 units can I enroll in as an undergraduate?
Undergraduates can enroll in a cumulative total of 10 SRP-99 units but a maximum of 6 units will apply to the graduation unit requirement. Units 7-10 will still appear on your transcript but the units will not apply to your total unit count.
Where can I learn more about upper division research courses?
Upper division tutorial courses (numbered 196-199) are administered by each academic department separately. While the courses may be structured similarly across campus, specific policies (e.g. prerequisites) may vary by department. Students should contact a department counselor or student affairs officer in their faculty research mentor’s department to learn more.
Do I have to pay to take SRP-99 during the summer?
You will not be assessed the summer session unit fees but will be assessed all other regular term fees. You can use this calculator to estimate how much you’ll pay for Summer Sessions: https://summer.ucla.edu/fees-payment-and-financial-aid/
What are the requirements for SRP-99?
Students must have a research project with a UCLA Faculty, must be in good academic standing with the University (no Holds on your account or record), and must have full-time status before enrolling. During summer sessions, students do not need to be enrolled in any courses prior to enrolling in an SRP-99 course.
Can part-time students do SRP-99?
Students can only enroll in an SRP-99 course as a part time student if they have Reduced Fee Enrollment for 3 consecutive quarters. Please see a College counselor for more information on these special petitions.
I currently have hold on my academic record. Can I still enroll in an SRP-99 course this quarter?
No, students who have a hold on their account cannot enroll in SRP-99. For questions about your hold, please contact an academic counselor in your counseling unit (AAP, CAC, Honors, or Athletics).
I am enrolled in over 18 units and would like to enroll in an SRP-99 course. Is that possible?
The College and schools set a maximum number of units in which a student may enroll. Students must petition to enroll in excess units. Click here to learn more about study list limits.
Can I enroll in SRP-99 and receive work-study in the same lab?
Yes, as long as your SRP-99 hours are different than your work-study hours. Ask your faculty mentor if they have any objections.
Can I only do research in my major?
Students may do research with any faculty member at UCLA. However, if enrolling in SRP-99 satisfies a degree or elective requirement for your major, you may be required to work with faculty in your home department. Students should meet with a department counselor to learn more.
Can I enroll in SRP-99 with a non-UCLA faculty?
Students conducting research outside of UCLA may enroll in RESEARCH PRACTICE 99 to receive credit for their work. Click here to learn more about RES PRC 99.
I am a student in the Samueli School of Engineering. Can I enroll in an SRP-99 course?
Yes, students in the Samueli School of Engineering may enroll in SRP-99 courses.
Am I required to take the Laboratory Safety Fundamentals course?
Effective Fall 2020: During the process of creating an SRP-99 contract, MyUCLA will electronically verify the student’s Lab Safety Fundamentals (LSF) certification status. Students who have satisfied the training requirement will be allowed to create their contracts normally and their safety training status will be displayed on the contract. Students who have not satisfied the training requirement will be given a link to safety training website and will not be allowed create a contract until their safety training requirement has been verified. In most cases, verification can be done in real-time, but students will be warned that it may take up to 24 hours to verify their status after they have completed the safety training class.
How do I enroll in the Laboratory Safety Fundamentals course?
You will need to visit UCLA’s Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) website to enroll in the Laboratory Safety Fundamentals Concepts course. Please visit the following site to enroll: UCLA Worksafe .
What trainings do I have to take? Which are required?
For the purposes of SRP-99, only the Lab Safety Fundamentals course may be required.
In addition to the Laboratory Safety Fundamental Concepts (LSFC) course, more lab safety training may be required depending on the safety requirements of your lab. Consult with your Faculty Research Mentor regarding additional required training. Visit UCLA Worksafe for more information on lab safety.
I have taken the Laboratory Safety Fundamentals course already and now plan to enroll in a contract course. Do I need to take it again?
No, unless your training has expired. An online refresher course is required upon the expiration date and every year after. Please visit Laboratory Safety Online Refresher Training .
Can I enroll in the Laboratory Safety Fundamentals course if I do not have a SRP faculty mentor?
Yes. Even if you have not yet found a faculty mentor, you will still be able to enroll in Laboratory Safety Fundamentals Concepts course.
Do I have to have verification of safety training documents available at the time of enrolling my SRP 99 contract?
Effective Fall 2020: During the process of creating a contract, MyUCLA will electronically verify the student’s Lab Safety Fundamental Concepts (LSFC) training status. Students who have satisfied the training requirement will be allowed to create their contracts normally and their safety training status will be displayed on the contract. Students who have not satisfied the training requirement will be given a link to safety training website and will not be allowed create a contract until their safety training requirement has been verified. In most cases, verification can be done in real-time, but students will be warned that it may take up to 24 hours to verify their status after they have completed the safety training class.
When can I expect to receive my grade for SRP-99?
All grades must be submitted by your Faculty Research Mentor within one week after Finals Week.
Does the ‘NR’ affect me negatively?
When graduate schools see the ‘NR’ they might take a point off of your admission application but sometimes they don’t. To be on the safe side make it your responsibility to remind your faculty mentor to turn in the grade (P or NP) on time.
If you notice you have an NR, please notify our office during the next academic quarter so we can make sure it is corrected. Do not wait until years later when you are graduating; it will be too late!
What does ‘NR’ stand for?
“NR” stands for “Not Reported.” When you see this on your DPR, it means your Faculty Research Mentor did not submit your grade. In order for you to receive credit, your mentor must submit your grade through MyUCLA’s Gradebook.
If my evaluation and/or grade was submitted late, when will my DPR/transcript reflect this correction?
It will take approximately 1 week for you to see the NR replaced with a P or NP on your DPR/transcripts.
Do grades for SRP-99 affect my GPA?
No, because SRP-99 courses are graded as Pass/No Pass only, they do not impact your GPA.