Intrdouction to Mplus 8
Monday, May 4, 2020
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Contact Information
Mplus is a powerful statistical package used for the analysis of latent variables. Among the kinds of analysis it can perform are exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, latent class analysis, latent growth curve modeling, structural equation modeling and multilevel modeling. The program can handle a combination of categorical and continuous variables and often permits missing data. It integrates these analyses into a single framework where you can combine techniques like growth curve modeling and latent class analysis to ask unique questions, such as “Are there latent classes among the growth trajectories?”. Mplus runs under Windows. This workshop is designed for people who are just getting started using Mplus to orient them to the nuts and bolts of using this package. These notes are the scripts for the workshop. The notes are not meant to be a Mplus textbook or substitute for the reference manual.
The notes for the workshop are here. This workshop will not be hands-on.
Attendance is restricted to researchers from the University of California. The information for the Zoom meeting will be sent the day before the workshop.