R Workshop Series: Dynamic Documents with R

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Friday, May 1, 2020
9:00 am - 12:00 pm


Contact Information

See the workshop website for setup & syllabus details: https://ucla-data-archive.github.io/2020-04-10-ucla/
Workshop location: https://ucla.zoom.us/my/ucladatascience

This is a workshop series in R on four Fridays starting April 10 and continuing through May 1. We will begin with a refresher and introduction to R covering the basic syntax and usage of the language. Then we’ll continue into the fundamentals of data cleaning and preparation in R. This will be followed by a session on data visualization using R’s ggplot2 package. Finally, we’ll teach you how to write a dynamic document in R using a tool called RMarkdown. All this will be delivered online via Zoom.

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